This handy guide provides a thorough, in-depth study of Seventh-day Adventist beliefs, using questions and answers, true-or-false questionnaires, simple illustrations and stories to help every member understand the main points of our faith. Whatever the stage of your spiritual journey, no matter... [Show more]
Following Jesus is like taking a journey. Members become discouraged. Some slip and fall and need help. There are dangerous places that require a helping hand. Often those who feel alone and without guidance quietly disappear. A Follower of Jesus looks at six ways Jesus established and grew His... [Show more]
Following Jesus is like taking a journey. Members become discouraged. Some slip and fall and need help. There are dangerous places that require a helping hand. Often those who feel alone and without guidance quietly disappear. Jesus understands the perils of being a disciple. That’s why He... [Show more]
The word "family" evokes the tenderest emotions and most hallowed memories we know as humans. Yet students of the family realize that this most fundamental of all institutions is in deep trouble. Families are falling apart. Family wellness, like many of the virtues in life, is not so much an end... [Show more]
In a national survey of the state of families in America (Bowman, 2012), parents reportedly believe that raising children today is more complicated than it used to be. Along with that, most perceived that the quality of American family life was declining. In addition, 55% of the parents surveyed... [Show more]
Church Heritage takes Pathfinders and Master Guides on a journey with Christian leaders as they sought to follow the leading of God. Discover how God's church stretches from Eden to Eden as you travel to the Old Testament to find the foundation of the Christian church, feel the gloom of the... [Show more]
Help! I’m a Parent: Christian Parenting in the Real World will inspire and encourage parents, grandparents, and caregivers on your journey as disciple-makers of your children. It addresses common challenges experienced by parents of children from birth through age seven. This DVD resource is... [Show more]
En una encuesta nacional sobre el estado de las familias en Estados Unidos (Bowman, 2012), los padres creen que criar a los niños hoy en día es más complicado de lo que solía ser. Junto con eso, la mayoría percibió que la calidad de la vida familiar americana estaba disminuyendo. Además, el 55% de... [Show more]
¿Está planeando un proyecto de construcción-una nueva iglesia, adición, edificio escolar o edificio de servicio comunitario? ¿Usted se pregunta cómo usted debe ir sobre conseguir los fondos? ¿Parece que su campaña por fondos continúa... [Show more]
El Manual de la Herencia de la Iglesia lleva a los Conquistadores y Guías Mayores en un viaje con los líderes cristianos mientras que ellos buscaban seguir la conducción de Dios. Descubra como la iglesia de Dios se extiende de Edén a Edén al viajar al Antiguo... [Show more]