
Resultados de búsqueda

Biblia del Pastor

Biblia del Pastor

Esta Biblia ha sido preparada especialmente para los pastores y presenta las siguientes características: Texto bíblico (Reina-Valera 1995). Las palabras de Jesús en rojo. Prácticas herramientas bíblicas para pastores: lista de milagros y parábolas de... [Show more]

  • Precio:$40.00
Complete Set -- Quick Start Guide

Complete Set -- Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guides are a series of booklets designed to help local church leaders start or revitalize a ministry. Each Quick Start Guide contains a job description, instructions for getting started, tips for maintaining a successful ministry, troubleshooting suggestions, recommended resources, and... [Show more]

  • Precio:$79.95
Rain, Wind and Fire

Rain, Wind and Fire

We are baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Several biblical references tell us about being “baptized with the Holy Spirit,” “receiving the Holy Spirit,” or being “born of the Spirit.” We also read stories of the Holy Spirit enabling people to do extraordinary, often... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.99
6 Big Questions for God - BSG

6 Big Questions for God - BSG

Six key questions—referred to as the five Ws and one H—outline the essential areas of inquiry in news reporting, police investigations, and research. These five key questions—who, what, when, where, why, and how—should elicit the relevant data. These questions have been posed... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.99
Beyond Greeting Complete Kit

Beyond Greeting Complete Kit

“A visitor is a temporary outsider, while a guest is an expected person to be delighted in and served. How do we want people to feel when they come to church—like a visitor or a guest?” While shaking hands and handing out bulletins are important parts of welcoming people to your... [Show more]

  • Precio:$29.95
Hope Bible | Inglés

Hope Bible | Inglés

This Bible has been specially prepared to give hope to those who are facing different challenges in life. It is also a great resource for health care professionals, chaplains, and others who may offer any kind of support for those in need. The Hope Bible has many unique characteristics: Preliminary... [Show more]

  • Precio:$27.00
Leadership Track 5 - Check-off Card

Leadership Track 5 - Check-off Card

Leadership - Certification Check-off Card Track 5  Leadership is part of the NAD Children's Ministries Certification program. The Leadership reminds us first and foremore how important it is to follow the TRUE Leader for success in ministry. Leadership also covers skills and... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.10
Hogares de Esperanzas y Salud | 2 en 1 (DVD and CD)

Hogares de Esperanzas y Salud | 2 en 1 (DVD and CD)

La serie ¡Sí! Salud Integral- Hogares de Esperanza & Salud presenta unos 800 Gráficos con dos 2 opciones En este paquete digital: (1) CD de Archivo en powerpoint con narraciones completas y (2) DVD de Archivo en DVD player. Combina las últimas investigaciones actuales... [Show more]

  • Precio:$50.00
Asi que...Quiere ser un lider de la SJA...

Asi que...Quiere ser un lider de la SJA...

¿Es usted el nuevo o actual líder de SJA en su iglesia? Si tiene una pasión para los jóvenes y quiere saber como la Sociedad de Jóves Adventistas puede hacer una diferencia en sus vidas, entonces este libro es para usted. Es una guía que le ayudará... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
Mending Ministers

Mending Ministers

“No preacher is going to raise their hand to say, ‘I need help.” Seventh-day Adventist pastors face challenges with health and wellness, even with a beautiful whole-life health message ingrained in our faith tradition. We also live with the challenges of resilience, depression,... [Show more]

  • Precio:$14.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States