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Ayudando a escribir el capítulo final | Libro

Ayudando a escribir el capítulo final | Libro

Basado en la investigación y la experiencia personal, Ayudando a escribir el capítulo final es un manual básico sobre la muerte, el proceso del duelo y cómo ministrar a quienes pasan por estas experiencias. Comience su viaje de exploración hacia algo que es... [Show more]

  • Precio:$14.95
Familia a familia: Guia para la familia

Familia a familia: Guia para la familia

Familia a Familia es una manera de involucrar a familias enteras en la misión de compartir el evangelio con sus vecinos, parientes y amigos. Aunque a veces pueda parecer intimidante a muchos que no se han enfrascado en este tip de trabajo, Familia a Familia es el tipo de... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.95
  • Sale:Gratis
Familia A Familia | Guía para la iglesia

Familia A Familia | Guía para la iglesia

Familia a Familia es una manera de involucrar a familias enteras en la misión de compartir el evangelio con sus vecinos, parientes y amigos. Aunque a veces pueda parecer intimidante a muchos que no se han enfrascado en este tip de trabajo, Familia a Familia es el tipo de recurso que,... [Show more]

  • Precio:$14.95
  • Sale:$10.00
Playful Worship

Playful Worship

If you want your child to experience worship as a bonding, imaginative and meaningful time because you were a part of it, this resource is for you. “Children learn through play! As a mum, I know I often feel like I’ve forgotten how to ‘play’ and need someone to remind me... [Show more]

  • Precio:$22.95
Grief Recovery (Participant's Guide)

Grief Recovery (Participant's Guide)

How does someone get over the loss of a loved one? By ignoring the emptiness? By not talking about the one who’s now gone? By keeping a stiff upper lip and choking back the sobs? Coping with grief isn’t easy, but in this book Larry Yeagley, founder of Grief Recovery seminars, shares his time-tested... [Show more]

  • Precio:$6.95
Solo Mom | Libro en inglés

Solo Mom | Libro en inglés

Perhaps you are a solo mom by choice, by an unexpected pregnancy, through divorce, through the death of your child’s dad, an absentee father, abandonment, or a myriad of other circumstances. Solo moms are mothers on their own, whether by choice or circumstance. Above all, every solo mom wants... [Show more]

  • Precio:$11.95
James White

James White

James White was a man of paradox. He loved the old gospel and the latest gadget. Generous to a fault, he was bedeviled by rumors regarding his use of money. At times “cutting and slashing” in speech, he nevertheless touched the lives of thousands. “Stick to farming,” said his... [Show more]

  • Precio:$19.95
CRAVE Public Evang Project -Church E

CRAVE Public Evang Project -Church E

CRAVE is a unique evangelistic approach specifically designed for delivery on university campuses and at other neutral venues that might attract a secular audience. The material and approach is intended for an audience that is secular, post-modern, and lacking in biblical literacy, but open to... [Show more]

  • Precio:$49.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States