
Resultados de búsqueda

Foothill Adventist School

Foothill (CA) Adventist School serves as a private, co-educational, Christian School located in Milpitas, California. We offer an education from Kindergarten through grade eight. Our sister school, Discoveryland, offers pre-school and daycare service

Correo electrónico:

Teléfono: 408.263.2568

Lifestyle Canada

Lifestyle Canada Education Service is dedicated to reaching the public through the GLOW Program, Canada Youth Challenge Program, and the iHeal Program. These outreach programs are designed for every member, youth, and professionals respectively.

Correo electrónico:

Teléfono: 905.576.6631

Kit del Ministerio Infantil  | Colección de 8 Guías Rápida

Kit del Ministerio Infantil | Colección de 8 Guías Rápida

Las Guías de inicio rápido son una serie de folletos diseñados para ayudar a los líderes de las iglesias locales a iniciar o revitalizar un ministerio. Cada Guía de inicio rápido contiene una descripción del trabajo, instrucciones para comenzar,... [Show more]

  • Precio:$19.95

Florida Prison Ministries

Prison ministries for Florida Conference includes LAMB baby program.

Correo electrónico:

Teléfono: 352.728.1229

Sing for Joy

Sing for Joy

A compilation of songs and music especially geared for kindergarten and primary age children. A blend of hymn verses, popular songs, and choruses for campfires.

  • Precio:$18.95
EBV Jamii Kingdom Guía para el Director

EBV Jamii Kingdom Guía para el Director

Esta Guía del Director está diseñada para ayudarlo a planificar un programa divertido y exitoso para las iglesias de cualquier tamaño.  Incluye una descripción básica del programa junto con información detallada de la estación. ... [Show more]

  • Precio:$14.99

Selfless Service for the Savior: Ideas for Strategic Acts of Kindness

Selfless Service for the Savior: Ideas for Strategic Acts of Kindness

Peace4youth Campus Ministries

Campus-based youth ministry website for students to network and share what they are doing at school. Exchange ideas and learn how to start a peace4youth christian club at your school.

Correo electrónico:

Teléfono: 209.712.2741

Adventist Men's Ministries

Resources available include a complete complement of articles on how to start a men's ministry including activity ideas and a survey; men's devotionals; a list of topics in the "Ask a Professional" section; events information and more!

Correo electrónico:

Teléfono: 704.962.2071

Adventurer Club

The Adventurer program is designed to support parents in assisting children with the challenging task of developing fully as followers of Christ in todays world.

Correo electrónico:

Teléfono: 301.680.6420

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States