
Resultados de búsqueda

Family Ministries Quick Start Guide

Family Ministries Quick Start Guide

Families need special attention in the quick-paced world! Ellen White states that God "desires that the families below shall be a symbol of the great family above" (The Faith I Live By). Electing a family ministries leader is an important step for local churches. This Quick Start Guide breaks the... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.95
Bible Adventures for Young Readers - God Loves Me 28 Ways (28 Lessons)

Bible Adventures for Young Readers - God Loves Me 28 Ways (28 Lessons)

This Bible study set uses a creative, kid-friendly approach to the 28 fundamental beliefs, which will introduce children to the pillars of our faith. With its easy-to-understand format and interactive approach, children will quickly grasp the concepts and have fun learning. Each study... [Show more]

  • Precio:$8.95
In Grandpa's Shoes

In Grandpa's Shoes

RUNNERS. PASTORS. In Grandpa’s Shoes shares how the example and encouragement of one man, Eric Webster, influenced the life and calling of his granddaughter, Raewyn Orlich. Weaving their stories together, each chapter looks honestly at topics like health, human suffering, race, gender, and... [Show more]

  • Precio:$14.95
What We Believe: Getting to Know Ellen White for Teens

What We Believe: Getting to Know Ellen White for Teens

“OK, so what do you know about Ellen White?” The question was fairly innocuous—a simple query about a historical person posed to a group of teenagers in a Bible class. I stood at the front of the room, ready to write their responses on the smart board. What followed was a torrent of wild answers... [Show more]

  • Precio:$17.95
What the Bible Says About...

What the Bible Says About...

The Bible contains history, but it is not primarily a history book. The Bible touches on science, but it is not a scientific textbook. It provides insights into the human mind but is not a treatise on psychology. Although God's Word touches on a variety of disciplines, it is first and foremost a... [Show more]

  • Precio:$29.95
A Reason to Believe

A Reason to Believe

Introducing the "first Seventh-day Adventist Church-sponsored youth doctrinal-baptismal course anyone has seen for a long, long time!" A Reason to Believe has been developed as a finished product of an initial idea that started in Insight Magazine in 1993. This workbook-styled resource boils the 27... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.95
Nos llamaban bebé | Libro

Nos llamaban bebé | Libro

¡Guau! Me llamo Bebé. Soy una cachorrita, ¡y esta es la historia de mi vida! Me rescataron de una vida de cautiverio con mi amiguita humana, que fue víctima del tráfico de niños.Tras mi rehabilitación, quiero ayudar a otros a tener una voz lo... [Show more]

  • Precio:$1.95

How to Witness Without Embarrassing God

How to Witness Without Embarrassing God

Ministerio de Recepcionistas | Guía de inicio rápido

Ministerio de Recepcionistas | Guía de inicio rápido

El ministerio de ser un Recepcionista es uno de los papeles más importantes en cualquier iglesia porque los saludadores tienen una oportunidad única de ayudar a cada persona que viene a través de las puertas de su iglesia a ver y oír y sentir el amor de Jesucristo. Cuando... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.95
Ministerio de la familia | Guía de inicio rápido

Ministerio de la familia | Guía de inicio rápido

Las familias necesitan una atención especial en el mundo de ritmo rápido! Elena White declara que Dios "desea que las familias de abajo sean un símbolo de la gran familia de arriba" (The Faith I Live By). Elegir a un líder de Ministerio de la Familia es un paso importante... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States