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Fiercely Faithful VBS Prayer Station

Fiercely Faithful VBS Prayer Station

At this station kids will experience creative ways to pray and discover the joy of praying and spending time with Jesus. This station gives kids an opportunity to pray for themselves and others.

  • Precio:$9.99
Steps to Christ Illustrated

Steps to Christ Illustrated

Few books attain a distribution in the millions or exert so great an influence in the uplifting of humanity as Steps to Christ. In countless editions, this classic volume has been printed in more than 70 languages, bringing inspiration to millions of people around the world.  The title of this... [Show more]

  • Precio:$1.69
Fiercely Faithful VBS Kit

Fiercely Faithful VBS Kit

  At this Vacation Bible School kids will follow Ruth and Naomi’s journey from Moab to Bethlehem. Along the way, they’ll love learning how God always keeps His promises! Five days of Christ-centered activities will help kids see that God is always faithful. Included in the starter... [Show more]

  • Precio:$159.95


You probably remember Bible stories by using a sort of “who’s who” process, right? It’s fairly easy to think of stories that feature individuals—multiple stories come to mind when Abraham, Moses, Peter, or Paul are mentioned. But what if you want to recall a story based... [Show more]

  • Precio:$19.95
Servant of God

Servant of God

“There are literally thousands in this world and church mentored by Pastor Leo.” — Pastor Wayne Hicks  Told in Leo’s engaging style, he shares stories of his experiences growing up in Brazil, conversion to Adventism, and 33 years of General Conference Youth... [Show more]

  • Precio:$11.95
51 Days to Breakthrough

51 Days to Breakthrough

This 21-day devotional is designed for young men who desire to deepen their connection with God and navigate the world with confidence and purpose. Throughout this journey, you’ll be challenged to examine your beliefs, face difficult truths about yourself, and embrace the transformative power... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
4B.2 Grades 7-8 Year B - Finally Free Student Guide - Three Angels Curriculum

4B.2 Grades 7-8 Year B - Finally Free Student Guide - Three Angels Curriculum

James Finley lives in a cruel, poverty-stricken environment in the slums of New York City during the Great Depression. The family moves from tenement to tenement, struggling to pay the rent. After attending 17 schools in 11 years, James drops out of high school and joins the United States Navy at... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
El camino a cristo | Ilustrado

El camino a cristo | Ilustrado

Pocos libros han alcanzado una distribución millonaria y han ejercido una influencia tan grande para la edificación de la humanidad como El camino a Cristo. Disponible en innumerables ediciones, este libro clásico se ha impreso en más de setenta idiomas, y ha llevado... [Show more]

  • Precio:$1.69
EBV 2023 Extremadamente fiel | Kit Completo

EBV 2023 Extremadamente fiel | Kit Completo

En esta Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones, los niños seguirán el viaje de Rut y Noemí desde Moab a Belén. A lo largo de la semana, los niños aprenderán que Dios siempre cumple sus promesas. ¡Cinco días de actividades centradas en Cristo les... [Show more]

  • Precio:$159.95
Help! I'm a Parent 8-12 | Francés

Help! I'm a Parent 8-12 | Francés

What if someone gave you a block of the finest marble with the task of creating a masterpiece that would be displayed for the entire world to see? Parenting is like that, except that instead of a block of marble we are given the delicate life of a child to shape and mold so they can become lifetime... [Show more]

  • Precio:$11.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States