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Andrews Study Bible

Andrews Study Bible

The Andrews Study Bible is an innovative and practical presentation of the Scriptures from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective. It is designed for both the new believer and the experienced Bible student. In the Andrews Study Bible you will find Light, Depth, and Truth. You will... [Show more]

  • Precio:$44.99
Certificado de bautismo | PDF Descargable

Certificado de bautismo | PDF Descargable

Descargue e imprima este certificado en PDF para todos los que se bautizan en su iglesia.  INSTRUCCIONES DE DESCARGA: Una vez que se complete su compra, recibirá un correo electrónico con instrucciones de descarga. O ingrese en su cuenta y descargue el PDF.  NOTA: Las ventas... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.95
Mobile Journalism - ePub Version

Mobile Journalism - ePub Version

The goal of this book is to help you start creating videos with your mobile device. You’ve probably shot a video or two already on your mobile device, but there are some basic things that will sabotage your video. Do you know how to hold your mobile device? Did you know that you can connect a... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.99
Mobile Evangelism - Mobi Version

Mobile Evangelism - Mobi Version

The goal of this book is to help you start creating videos with your mobile device. You’ve probably shot a video or two already on your mobile device, but there are some basic things that will sabotage your video. Do you know how to hold your mobile device? Did you know that you can connect a... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.99
Justice and the Word of God SG - PDF

Justice and the Word of God SG - PDF

Should Seventh-day Adventists be involved in matters of social injustice, and if so, how? What would Jesus do? These and other relevant questions will be discussed in the special February 2022 Black History Month Sabbath School Study Guide. The study guide, authored by four theologians and... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
Cordones de Mando

Cordones de Mando

Los cordones de mando designan los cargos en el club. Los colores pueden variar por asociación, así que consulte con su asociación antes de comprar. Se debe portar sólo un cordón de mando en el uniforme, representando el cargo más alto que ocupa. Tenga en... [Show more]

Certificado de ordenación | archivo descargable

Certificado de ordenación | archivo descargable

Descargue e imprima este certificado en PDF para todos los que sean ordenados como diáconos, diaconisas o ancianos en su iglesia. INSTRUCCIONES DE DESCARGA: Una vez que se complete su compra, recibirá un correo electrónico con instrucciones de descarga. NOTA: Las ventas de... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.95
Christ in the City - epub

Christ in the City - epub

The significance and challenge of the city for the Christian church is the question of how to go about sharing the Gospel there. It is easy to react to the changes happening in the city, to critique the influence it has on human culture. But critical responses to change do not constitute a positive... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.99
Helping Hand Leaders Guide - DL

Helping Hand Leaders Guide - DL

Welcome to the exciting world of Helping Hands! The Helping Hand Leader’s Guide is packed with resources to help you teach fourth graders Christian principles and life skills while engaging them in fun, creative play. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll find helpful answers to... [Show more]

  • Precio:$19.95
EB Leader's Guide - DL

EB Leader's Guide - DL

Welcome to the exciting world of Eager Beavers! This guidebook is packed with resources to help you teach kindergarten-age children Christian principles and life skills, while engaging them in fun, creative play. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll find helpful answers to the questions: Who... [Show more]

  • Precio:$24.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States