
Resultados de búsqueda

Adventurer Starter Kit

Adventurer Starter Kit

The Adventurer Club provides a complete age-appropriate curriculum for families with kids in pre-K through fourth grade. At each level kids learn more about the Bible, health, nature, how to get along with others, and more. The Adventurer Club also gives parents an opportunity to hone their... [Show more]

  • Precio:$149.95
Faith and Finance Leader's Guide

Faith and Finance Leader's Guide

This leader's guide includes an outline for study groups to work through Faith and Finance together as well as a CD of 12 PowerPoint presentations in both PDF and unlocked formats. Faith and Finance is a unique combination of the biblical principles of money management, the practical lessons of... [Show more]

  • Precio:$12.95
I See Jesus

I See Jesus

In I See Jesus, young readers will begin to see the Savior in their everyday lives. This enchanting collection of 53 short devotional stories helps children uncover the kindness, compassion, and never-ending care of their forever Friend, Jesus, in the most ordinary moments. Through the pages of... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.95
The Desire of Ages (paperback)

The Desire of Ages (paperback)

The Desire of Ages is a proven source of inspiration and enlightenment to millions of readers all over the world. And with good reason, for it deals with a universal yearning – the desire for living life to its fullest with the knowledge that we are here for a reason. That we are loved. This... [Show more]

  • Precio:$6.95
Pursued DVD

Pursued DVD

Sinners. That’s us, from the moment we are born. Yet God relentlessly pursues a relationship with us. In fact, the Bible tells us that while we were in our mother’s womb He knew all about us—and loved us still. No matter how far you may have fallen, your heavenly Father... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.99
CRAVE Public Evang Project-ACF Editi

CRAVE Public Evang Project-ACF Editi

CRAVE is a unique evangelistic approach specifically designed for delivery on university campuses and at other neutral venues that might attract a secular audience. The material and approach is intended for an audience that is secular, post-modern, lacking in biblical literacy, but open (not... [Show more]

Because I Love You

Because I Love You

A long time ago a wise man named Shaddai built a wonderful village for children to live in. He talked to them and sang for them and told them stories. He gave them everything they needed. And with his own hands Shaddai built a protective wall around their village, rock by rock.He did all of this for... [Show more]

  • Precio:$16.95
Comfort for the Day: Living Through the Seasons of Grief

Comfort for the Day: Living Through the Seasons of Grief

Your heart is crushed. Finding it even difficult to breathe, you wake up to the reality that someone you treasure is gone. Death has stolen your loved one from your arms. Now the seemingly insurmountable difficult work of living through grief begins. Is there anything that can soothe this... [Show more]

  • Precio:$16.95
When Religion Fails Try Love

When Religion Fails Try Love

Have you noticed in the last few years that we humans have lost our ability to dialogue with each other in ways that are civil, compassionate and kind? No one wants to be wrong, so in every discussion we try to have the last word. This is especially true with politics and religion! We want to be... [Show more]

  • Precio:Gratis
When Religion Fails Try Love

When Religion Fails Try Love

Have you noticed in the last few years that we humans have lost our ability to dialogue with each other in ways that are civil, compassionate and kind? No one wants to be wrong, so in every discussion we try to have the last word. This is especially true with politics and religion! We want to be... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.95

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