Inside this book are stories involving a colorful cast of crooks and clowns who populated a small village on the Caribbean island of Trinidad. In the hands of an experienced storyteller, their faults are funny and their tales are twisted. You get an insider's view of a tight-knit community during... [Show more]
At a time when parents and churches are wondering how to keep their teens in the church, here's an answer - Memory Events. It's a concept God used to remind the Israelites of their heritage and their future with Him. Memory Events can also powerfully impact teens for God. Creating Memories for... [Show more]
This kit includes everything you need to lead a group through Help! I'm a Parent for parents of kids ages 8-12. This resource is ideal for use individually, as a couple, or in a group meeting in the home, church, or at a local church school. Kit includes: Instructions for sharing this parenting... [Show more]
The uniform makes Pathfinder Club Ministry real and visible. The insignia that is part of the uniform commemorates the completion of Investiture Achievement levels, Honors, and other accomplishments. This guide includes a short history of the Pathfinder Club uniform, recommendations on when... [Show more]
The uniform makes Pathfinder Club Ministry real and visible. The insignia that is part of the uniform commemorates the completion of Investiture Achievement levels, Honors, and other accomplishments. This guide includes a short history of the Pathfinder Club uniform, recommendations on when... [Show more]
The Drumming & Percussion Guide is more than just a manual. It's a comprehensive resource that equips you with the knowledge and practical insights you need for effective ministry. Included is guidance for instructors and participants for everything from protocols and execution to uniforms, drum... [Show more]
Child Abuse and the Church
El grupo de más de 65 años es actualmente el segmento de más rápido crecimiento de la población de nuestra nación. ¿Cómo está tu iglesia alcanzando con las generaciones de la Tercera edad? Este guía está llena de... [Show more]
We are an aging society. Average life expectancy in North America has dramatically increased. As a result, today’s seniors are generally in better health, have more money, and are more active. Your church can reach this growing segment of the population by starting an Elder Care Ministry to... [Show more]
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