
Resultados de búsqueda

Sabbath: A Time to Remember

Sabbath: A Time to Remember

Adventurer Club Director Quick Start Guide

Adventurer Club Director Quick Start Guide

This Quick Start Guide for Adventurer Club directors is full of important information to help you start or revitalize an Adventurer Club in your church. This guide contains a job description, instructions for getting started, tips for maintaining a successful ministry, troubleshooting suggestions,... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.95
Pastor's & Elder's Handbook for Children's Ministries

Pastor's & Elder's Handbook for Children's Ministries

This booklet is a guide for pastors, elders, volunteer children’s leaders, parents, and others in the local church who wish to understand and learn how to organize a new children’s ministry or strengthen an existing one. This small volume sets forth a philosophy and mission of children’s ministries,... [Show more]

  • Precio:$6.95
The Power of Little Creatures—Curriculum

The Power of Little Creatures—Curriculum

The POWER of Little Creatures is the All Power Seminar for Kids. This dynamic VBS style curriculum, written and designed by Anita Sabot is based on the All Power Seminar by Leo Schreven. It uses songs, games, crafts, activities, and amazing graphics via PowerPoint Presentations to illustrate life... [Show more]

  • Precio:$29.00
Adventist Elder Care Ministries

Adventist Elder Care Ministries

How Your Local Church Can Help

Guía para el Director | del Club de Aventureros

Guía para el Director | del Club de Aventureros

¡Bienvenido al mundo emocionante de liderazgo del Club de Aventureros! Cada año, voluntarios como usted ayudan a miles de niños desde pre-kínder a cuarto grado experimentar el amor de Jesús mientras que exploran su mundo a través de actividades divertidas y... [Show more]

  • Precio:$14.95
Women's Ministries Bookmark

Women's Ministries Bookmark

Perfect for distributing in your program or at your events.

  • Precio:Gratis
Women's Ministries Bookmark

Women's Ministries Bookmark

Perfect for distributing in your program or at your events. This resource is a great reminder of the importance of Women's Ministries!

  • Precio:Gratis
Director del Club de Aventureros | Guía de inicio rápido

Director del Club de Aventureros | Guía de inicio rápido

Esta Guía de inicio rápido para los directores del Club de Aventureros está llena de información importante para ayudarlo a comenzar o revitalizar un Club de Aventureros en su iglesia. Esta guía contiene una descripción del trabajo, instrucciones para... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States