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EBV 20 Héroes | Videos Musicales (descarga)

EBV 20 Héroes | Videos Musicales (descarga)

¡Descarge los videos musicales en estilo contemporáneo para la EBV Héroes! Se incluyen las siguientes canciones: Héroes (canción tema) He decidido Hoy iré Escucha tu voz Mi promesa Generoso

  • Precio:$9.95
VBS 20-Heroes VBS Music (Video) DL

VBS 20-Heroes VBS Music (Video) DL

Download the music videos in contemporary style for Heroes VBS! The following songs are included: Hero - Theme Song I Have Decided Today I Will Go Listen to Your Voice My Promise Generous

  • Precio:$9.95
EBV 20 Héroes | Digital Kit de inicio (descargable)

EBV 20 Héroes | Digital Kit de inicio (descargable)

A los niños les encantan los héroes y en lugar de hablar acerca de los superhéroes de los cómics o las películas, este nuevo programa de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día les enseñará acerca de los héroes de la Biblia.... [Show more]

  • Precio:$79.95
Cactusville VBS Digital Kit | Inglés

Cactusville VBS Digital Kit | Inglés

Welcome to Cactusville, one of the most adventurous towns in the Southwest! Cactusville is a mining town tucked away in the desert where the sun is always shining, the skies are bright blue, and the peaks of the surrounding mountains look like broken spurs. Yee-haw! Kids will experience a rip... [Show more]

  • Precio:$79.95
Jesus Then and Now - Journey with Jesus

Jesus Then and Now - Journey with Jesus

Journey with Jesus is a campmeeting program created to help 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders discover and experience life in Bible times. The goal of the program is to acquaint children with the life and customs of the people living during the time of Jesus’ ministry on earth. As they Journey with Jesus... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.00

Church Chairs for Kids

This piece describes a simple solution to get kids more involved in church.

A Princess Tea

A One-Day Event for Girls Ages 12 and Under

Pin de clase | Constructores

Pin de clase | Constructores

Pin de clase. Presentar esto en la ceremonia de Investidura a niños que completan los requisitos de Constructor.

Pin de clase |  Rayitos de Sol

Pin de clase | Rayitos de Sol

Pin de clase. Presentar esto en la ceremonia de Investidura a niños que completan los requisitos de Rayitos de Luz.

Creative Media Ministries

Creative Media Ministries is providing a variety of Revival programs for churches, camp meetings and colleges focusing on the Good News and the Righteousness by Faith message. "Claim Your Children Back" is in high demand across the US as an Outreach and Revival program. 80% of parents in any... [Show more]

Correo electrónico:

Teléfono: 951-440-7688

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States