¡Bienvenido al emocionante mundo de los Corderitos! La guía para el instructor de Corderitos contiene muchos recursos para ayudarle a enseñarles a los niños preescolares los principios cristianos y las habilidades para la vida mientras participan de juegos divertidos y... [Show more]
The Controlled Phonetic Reading Teacher’s Edition for Single Letter Sounds contains 280 pages of Orton-Gillingham-based, HANDS-ON, MULTI-SENSORY, Word-for-word teaching lessons that are specifically designed for EARLY readers, STRUGGLING readers, or students diagnosed with... [Show more]
This is the complete Controlled Phonetic Reading Program that includes over 750 pages of Book 1 and 2 Teacher’s Editions, Book 1 and 2 Game Cards, the Student Reader/Coloring Book, the 3D Alphabet Letter Craft Worksheets, and the CPR Flashcards (70 Single & Multi-Letter Sounds).... [Show more]
El Juego Bíblico de los Aventureros es un juego de la Biblia que se lleva a cabo en grupo, en el que se pone a prueba el conocimiento que los aventureros tienen de las diferentes secciones de las Escrituras. Cada año se asigna una nueva sección de las Escrituras que tanto los... [Show more]
El Club de Aventureros ofrece un plan de estudios completo y adecuado para las familias con niños de edad preescolar hasta el cuarto grado. En cada nivel los niños aprenden más acerca de la Biblia, la salud, la naturaleza, cómo llevarse bien con los demás y mucho... [Show more]
Teachers with multi-grade classrooms should teach our A unit the first year, and the B unit the following year. Teachers with single-grade classrooms may choose to teach the A units for one grade and the B unit for the next highest grade. This C unit in the Three Angels for Kids curriculum is a... [Show more]
This file includes all the requirements Adventurers will need to receive this Award, along with helps for each requirement and activities that can be used to meet the requirements. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: Once your purchase is complete you will receive an email with download... [Show more]
Research has shown that between 30 and 50 percent of new members who are baptized do not stick with the church. They fall away. Sometimes we notice only after it has been several months or even years. What happened to them? Where did they go? Why did they leave? And, most importantly, what could we... [Show more]
This file includes all the requirements Adventurers will need to receive Busy Bee Awards, along with helps for each requirement and activities that can be used to meet the requirements. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: Once your purchase is complete you will receive an email with download... [Show more]