
Resultados de búsqueda

Guide Wall Chart

Guide Wall Chart

Outline your Pathfinder's progress with the help of these poster-sized (22" x 17") record charts. Pathfinders, parents, and leaders can see what each participant has completed and can look forward to what's coming up next. These posters have enough space for up to 10 students in each class. Click on... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.59
Master Comrade Legacy

Master Comrade Legacy

Add a piece of Pathfinder history to your collection with Master Comrade Legacy Gear. Choose from a pin, crest, scarf, and slide.

Guía para el Director |  de Conquistadores

Guía para el Director | de Conquistadores

¡Bienvenido al mundo emocionante de Logros para la Investidura! El Guía para el Director le dará un resumen completo de lo que se requiere para completar cada nivel y algunas ayudas básicas de enseñanza que usted o los instructores en su club pueden utilizar para... [Show more]

  • Precio:$19.95
Mobile Ministry

Mobile Ministry

This manual was written to help you and your church cross the digital divide. It introduces the spectrum of tools, techniques, and strategies that will transform your church into a mobile hotspot for your members, and for people around the world. Copyright 2013. 42 pages.

  • Precio:$9.95
  • Sale:$3.00
Creative Skits & Programs for Youth Groups

Creative Skits & Programs for Youth Groups

This book is your ready-to-use manual for planning events for all seasons. It is packed with simple, effective, and fun suggestions for your church’s youth group. In these pages you will find dozens of: Skits Holiday Programs Readings Games Activities These creative programs will... [Show more]

  • Precio:$11.95
Child Evangelism Kit - Leaders Guide

Child Evangelism Kit - Leaders Guide

Learn how to lead child evangelism meetings that correspond with your church’s next evangelistic campaign for adults! The God Loves Me 28 Ways Child Evangelism Kit Leader’s Guide will help you plan kids’ meetings that complement the adult meetings and explain the Adventist church’s beliefs in very... [Show more]

  • Precio:$6.95
El Ministerio de los Grupos Pequeños en la Iglesia Local

El Ministerio de los Grupos Pequeños en la Iglesia Local

Este manual “El ministerio de los grupos pequeños en la iglesia local” te ayudará a alcanzar tus sueños de compartir tu fe en una atmósfera agradable de amistad cristiana, típica de los grupos pequeños. Podrás hacer crecer y multiplicar a... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.95
Pines de capacitación para la directiva de aventureros |  AYMT

Pines de capacitación para la directiva de aventureros | AYMT

Estos pines son dados a la directiva del Club de Aventureros al completar los cursos de capacitación del Ministerio Juvenil Adventista (AYMT, por sus siglas en inglés).   

Corbatín de Dama | para personal de Aventureros

Corbatín de Dama | para personal de Aventureros

Para el uniforme oficial de damas, esta corbata azul marino agrega ese toque final a su uniforme de Aventureros.

  • Precio:$11.95
Day Camp Handbook PDF Download

Day Camp Handbook PDF Download

Summer is a great time for ministry! The parents in your neighborhood are looking for activities for their kids. This complete how-to guide is for churches that want to conduct a Day Camp for the kids and youth in the community. Included are sections on finances, staff, safety, and schedule ideas.... [Show more]

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