Sharing Your Faith on a Public Campus is part of a series of three companion workbooks that accompany The Word on Campus: A Guide to Public College Ministry by Kirk King and Ron Pickell. This workbook is designed to help initiate conversations with people who do not believe in Jesus and ignite... [Show more]
Do you feel sometimes you’re losing the battle? Do you feel sometimes that you have actually lost? Your loss may be a relationship that went badly wrong, regret over an action you took or failed to take, an argument with your son or daughter, memories of a child who has left home, or the painful... [Show more]
Steps to Discipleship by Ben Maxson is designed to help individuals grow in their relationship with God through an intentional discipleship process. This experience will lead you through a natural progression of decisions and life choices that will help move you into a growing discipleship walk with... [Show more]
Steps to Discipleship by Ben Maxson is designed to help individuals grow in their relationship with God through an intentional discipleship process. This experience will lead you through a natural progression of decisions and life choices that will help move you into a growing discipleship walk with... [Show more]
Steps to Discipleship by Ben Maxson is designed to help individuals grow in their relationship with God through an intentional discipleship process. This experience will lead you through a natural progression of decisions and life choices that will help move you into a growing discipleship walk with... [Show more]
La escuela sabática de Jardín de Infantes (Kindergarten) es la segunda fase de un emocionante viaje espiritual para los niños de su iglesia. ya que en la primera tuvieron su primera introducción formal a Jesús y esa educación continuará en el... [Show more]
Dissatisfied with living a superficial life? Wanting to do more than go through the motions? Want to look beneath the surface? Hungry for more of GOD? Not just knowing about GOD, that’s not enough. Then you suffer from sacred discontent. You’re not along – we too grace something deep, and... [Show more]
Beginner Sabbath school is the start of an important spiritual journey for the children in your class. It's the place where parents can bring their children for their first formal introduction to Jesus and their church family. Through Sabbath school children get to know God, to hear God's Word, and... [Show more]
We all influence those around us. Sociologists tell us the most introverted of people will influence 10,000 others in an average lifetime. So how do you influence others? Do you even think about it? Do you make a positive difference in your world? How do you intentionally add value to the people in... [Show more]
Steps to Discipleship by Ben Maxson is designed to help individuals grow in their relationship with God through an intentional discipleship process. This experience will lead you through a natural progression of decisions and life choices that will help move you into a growing discipleship walk with... [Show more]