None of us knows first-hand what heaven is like. We may not even be certain how many biblical descriptions are literal or symbolic. We can be sure that heaven far surpasses what we can imagine, and if we can't even imagine what heaven is like, we can't adequately portray it to children. However, we... [Show more]
Is your personal devotion life inconsistent? Do you struggle feeling spiritually fed after reading the Bible? Do you sometimes find your Bible reading and devotions getting into a rut? This book is a valuable resource to help you get excited about studying the Bible. With 45 methods... [Show more]
These lessons seek to show that loving God is the most important thing in life. The Fun-da-mentals Bible study lessons cover 16 topics that are the basis of building a relationship with God. Lessons start with The Great Controversy and include Creation, Adam and Eve’s Choice, the Plan of... [Show more]
Seven encouraging Bible lessons for dynamic Christian living. Topics include: A New Birth The Realities of Your New Life in Christ The Importance of Bible Reading & Study Learning About Prayer The Fruits of the Spirit Natural Witnessing Joys of Christian Fellowship These introductory studies... [Show more]
Desde el Génesis hasta el Apocalipsis, Elizabeth Talbot expone el plan de redención de una manera armoniosa y bella. Cada lección penetra profundamente en la Palabra de Dios y habla no solamente acerca de su sorprendente amor, sino también de su sorprendente plan para tu... [Show more]
Each of these 15 Evangelistic Seminars deals with one of today's crucial Health issues, and marries it to a conceptually compatible Bible Doctrine. The presentations are clear, practical, attractive, and interactive. This CD is designed to be used with the 15 Study Guides.
Are you yearning for a closer relationship with God? Do you sometimes have the feeling your prayers are boring and repetitious, or you don't know how to pray? If you want a more exhilarating, personal, and passionate prayer life, Passionate Prayer Promises is the resource you've been waiting... [Show more]
ORÍGENES, una serie de 6 partes sobre la base científica del creacionismo, nos presenta de manera única los datos y la evidencia que apunta directamente a lo que dice la Biblia acerca de nuestro Creador. Cada sesión incluye un breve video de apertura, diapositivas de las... [Show more]