This postcard advertises Gorgeous 2 God and A Rugged Journey, safes place for young women and men to ask their toughest questions and find their deepest purpose.
Beginning Your Spiritual Journey is designed specifically to support the entire discipleship process. So many of us actually “stumble” into our spiritual lives, with no real plan for how we’re going to walk the spiritual journey successfully, let alone how we’re going to grow in Christ. We mean... [Show more]
Beginning Your Spiritual Journey is designed specifically to support the entire discipleship process. So many of us actually “stumble” into our spiritual lives, with no real plan for how we’re going to walk the spiritual journey successfully, let alone how we’re going to grow in Christ. We mean... [Show more]
This discipleship curriculum was created for anyone at any place in their journey. This DVD includes over 100 lessons to choose from, discussion questions, group activities, printable handouts, and PowerPoint slides. This DVD is ideal for pastor’s classes, small groups, prayer meetings, discipleship... [Show more]
Primary Sabbath school is the third phase in an exciting spiritual journey for the children in your church. This guide contains facts about primary-age children, information about the GraceLink curriculum, advice for your primary class, and much more. Booklet. Copyright 2008, 2021.
The controversial topic of the ever-turbulent Middle East is incessantly bombarding us in the media, and will remain so till the end. The sheer Muslim population on our planet, its globally strategic position, its complex politics, its vast resources, and especially its desperate need for the... [Show more]
If you’ve ever wanted a genuine, thriving relationship with Jesus but didn’t know exactly what to do to make it happen, this book was written for you. Even if going through the motions has left you empty, if reading the Bible and praying are just two extra items on your daily to-do list, if you feel... [Show more]
Esta serie de videos está diseñado para servir como el comienzo de una conversación; se trata de la realidad en el pasado, presente y futuro. Adoptar una comprensión reflexiva de la Creación nos libera para adoptar la belleza de la naturaleza y la mente detrás de ella. 6 programas de 30 minutos en... [Show more]
If you’re wondering how to grow old gracefully, by which you mean “full of grace”—seeing the full implications of the gospel displayed in your life—then Autumn Gold, Winter Grace is a journey you’ll want to experience. Autumn Gold, Winter Grace is a part of the iFollow series because Adventist... [Show more]
Como enseñar y dirigir una clase bíblica por excelencia. Simplemente el discipulado se trata de seguir a Jesús y servirlo. Este libro le facilita a enseñar con determinación, prepararse para enseñar, y presentar la lección. El autor establece un plan... [Show more]