In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus makes the mission of the church abundantly clear: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations . . .” But how do you reach a twenty-first-century society filled with diverse backgrounds and varying levels of religious interest? And how can you expect to grow the... [Show more]
Beginner Sabbath school is the start of an important spiritual journey for the children in your class. It's the place where parents can bring their children for their first formal introduction to Jesus and their church family. Through Sabbath school children get to know God, to hear God's Word, and... [Show more]
La alarmante realidad de muchas iglesias actualmente es la gran cantidad de espacios vacíos dejados por los jóvenes y adultos jóvenes ausentes en la congregación. Los resultados de un estudio del panorama religioso realizado por el Centro de Investigación Pew entre... [Show more]
La escuela sabática de cuna es el comienzo de un importante viaje espiritual para los niños de su clase. Es el lugar donde los padres pueden traer a sus hijos para su primera introducción formal a Jesús y a su familia de la iglesia. A través de la escuela... [Show more]
“The church exists by mission just as fire exists by burning,” wrote Emil Brunner. “Where there is no mission, there is no church.” The problem is, some churches have become mere Sabbath-morning gatherings of religious people. They’ve lost their fire and fail to... [Show more]
Much has been written about the profound impact the post-World War II baby boomers had on American religion. But the lifestyles and beliefs of the generation that has followed - and the influence these younger Americans in their twenties and thirties are having on the face of religion - are not so... [Show more]
Life can get ugly in the streets, in the marketplace, and even in our homes. Without the oil of kindness and civility to keep relationships in tune, things can quickly get out of wack. People call each other names, racial slurs are exchanged, and before we know it everyone is at each other's throat.... [Show more]
This book highlights the need to move beyond a superfificial religious experience to one that is Jesus centered, mind-altering, and people focused. With the incarnation of his Son, God started a revolution that is supposed to make us more considerate, compassionate, and kind—even with our... [Show more]
La Escuela Sabática es el grupo más importante en la iglesia local. Clases para niños proveen una experiencia religiosa y educacional. Desarrolla la relación con Jesús a cada diferente nivel. Adultos estudian la Biblia, aprenden principios bíblicos para sus... [Show more]