At this station kids will experience creative ways to pray and discover the joy of praying and spending time with Jesus. This station gives kids an opportunity to pray for themselves and others. Day 1: Frowny / Smiley Face Day 2: The Balloon that Doesn’t Pop Day 3: Hand Print and Mirror Day... [Show more]
A los niños les encantan los héroes y en lugar de hablar acerca de los superhéroes de los cómics o las películas, este nuevo programa de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día les enseñará acerca de los héroes de la Biblia.... [Show more]
Kids love heroes and instead of talking about superheroes from the comics or movies, this new VBS from the Seventh-day Adventist Church will teach them about heroes from the Bible. Miriam, Samuel and Rhoda were all kids who did little things that made a big difference. Each day we will talk about... [Show more]
This 8' x 20' backdrop makes it easy to decorate your opening and closing station!
Use these posters to promote your Heroes VBS program. Sold in sets of 5.
Give one certificate to each child who attends your Heroes VBS program. Sold in packs of 10.
Use this banner to advertise your Heroes VBS program or to help decorate your entrance.
Déle un certificado a cada niño que asiste al programa EBV de Héroes. Se venden en paquetes de 10 piezas. Derecho de autor 2019.
Use estos carteles para promocionar su programa EBV de Héroes. Se venden en paquetes de 5. Derecho de autor 2019.
At this station kids will hear about kid heroes of the Bible. Activities and thought-provoking questions will engage the kids in each day’s story and help them tie it to the day’s Action Point. Day 1: Miriam Day 2: Samuel Day 3: Nora, Naaman’s Servant Girl Day 4: Rhoda Day 5:... [Show more]