Manual: Cima de la Montaña (Estación de oración) Los niño experimentaran maneras creativas de orar y descubrían la alegría de orar y pasar tiempo con Jesús. Día 1: Los niños crearán un escondite secreto único para... [Show more]
Teacher’s Guide. 82-page, spiral bound, color manual with North American Division standards for integrated unit in Bible, language arts, history and science. Ten highly interactive lessons are centered on the second half of the first angel’s message, which calls us to “worship Him... [Show more]
Research shows that between 30 and 50 percent of new members who are baptized do not stick to the church. They fall away. Sometimes we notice only after it has been several months or even years. What happened to them? Where did they go? Why did they leave? And, most importantly, what could we have... [Show more]
Con relatos y preguntas que le haran pensar, este manual bautismal para menores ayudará al niño a profundizar sus creencias. Siguiendo a Jesús da una base biblíca a nuestras creencias que haran de la decisión bautismal del niño una dicisión importante... [Show more]
El Parche de Máster en Artes Vocacionales se obtiene al haber completado unos de estos SIETE (7) honores de la siguiente lista: Albañilería Arte cristiano de vender Aviadores Carpintería Computadoras y/o avanzado Contabilidad Contabilidad Avanzada. Crítica de... [Show more]
Esta guía compila las tradiciones y prácticas para ejecutar las voces de mando en las actividades del Club de Conquistadores. Sirve como una orientación para responder muchas de las preguntas que normalmente surgen cuando los Conquistadores deben llevar a cabo una ceremonia... [Show more]
The Master Guide curriculum focuses on leadership development, discipleship, outreach, and evangelism. As part of completing the Master Guide requirements individuals will: • Emphasize spiritual and personal growth for a more intimate relationship with Christ.• Assist with Adventure and... [Show more]
Estos parches se pueden usar en su banda, sombrero o chaleco. Estos 10 parches pertenecen a las diferentes uniones de la DNA con tendencia a Oshkosh 2019. Columbia Union North Pacific Union Guam-Micronesia Union Pacific Union Southwestern Union Southern Union Atlantic Union Canada... [Show more]
Quick Start Guides are a series of booklets designed to help local church leaders start or revitalize a ministry. Each Quick Start Guide contains a job description, instructions for getting started, tips for maintaining a successful ministry, troubleshooting suggestions, recommended resources, and... [Show more]
Teamwork is a concept that has existed since ancient times. Jesus provided the best example for establishing an organized urban evangelistic model that shared a relevant yet unpopular message in extremely hostile conditions. Despite facing opposition to the gospel message, Jesus demonstrated the... [Show more]