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A Place to Belong - Youth Group Essentials

A Place to Belong - Youth Group Essentials

A Place to Belong is the first in a series of five books outlining the essentials for creating a great youth group. The remaining four books in the set, soon to be published, will build on the foundation principles: Building a Great Team, Positive Transformations, Making Good Choices and Growing... [Show more]

  • Precio:$14.95
  • Sale:$10.00
Sing About God's Love Song Book for Kids

Sing About God's Love Song Book for Kids

Children love to sing! Learning songs is one of the tried and true methods of teaching children. Even those too young to read can memorize simple words and melodies. Sing About God's Love contains songs to help young children begin to understand the 28 fundamental beliefs of our church. A few of... [Show more]

  • Precio:$14.95
  • Sale:$12.00
Go Fish Kit

Go Fish Kit

Jesus said, in Matthew 4:19…“Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” “Fishing for men” means that we are so excited about Jesus’ love for us that we want to share His love with everyone around us. We show them Jesus’ love by our actions…by... [Show more]

  • Precio:$49.95
VBX 18 Beta Saida Village Square (Craft, Snack, & Mission Station)

VBX 18 Beta Saida Village Square (Craft, Snack, & Mission Station)

Beit Saida Village & Shore is the activity station where Children will Xperience life in one of the villages by the Sea of Galilee during the time of Jesus. Kids will experience the life of Jesus through the following hands-on activities: Threshing Floor Grape Press Fruit Stand Sheep Gate The... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.99
Revelation - Commentaries on the New Testament

Revelation - Commentaries on the New Testament

This practical commentary on Revelation is conversant with contemporary scholarship, draws on ancient backgrounds, and attends to the theological nature of the text. Sigve Tonstad, an expert in the early Jewish context of the New Testament, offers a nonretributive reading of Revelation and addresses... [Show more]

  • Precio:$35.00
La fuerza de los Conquistadores | DVD

La fuerza de los Conquistadores | DVD

Este video es una presentación visual de la experiencia de los Conquistadores. Provee una historia de la organización y muestra a Conquistadores alrededor del mundo haciendo lo que mas les gusta y hacen mejor, conquistar para Cristo. DVD. Duración: 19:18 min. Grabado 3 de... [Show more]

  • Precio:$19.95
Mayordomía | Guía de inicio rápido

Mayordomía | Guía de inicio rápido

El líder local de mayordomía de la iglesia tiene un papel vital como planificador y como educador. El verdadero ministerio de un líder de mayordomía consiste en alentar a los creyentes en el mejor uso de todos los recursos que Dios ha proporcionado, incluyendo el manejo... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.95
EBV 22 Jasper Canyon | Historias biblicas

EBV 22 Jasper Canyon | Historias biblicas

En esta estación los niños aprenderán una nueva historia bíblica cada día. Este manual incluye guiones para dos versiones de esta estación. Los niños participarán en actividades y preguntas que los ayudarán a entender el Descubrimiento... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.99

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States