This curriculum was created to train Family Ministries leaders in the local church. This download includes the Leader's Guide, Participant's Guide, and PowerPoint presentations. The Leader’s Guide includes a Scripture principle, opening activity, information on the subject for that... [Show more]
This attractive, sturdy notebook includes a colorful printed cover and labeled dividers and tabs. Inside you will find a full printed Facilitator Guide, Speaker Tips, Supper Club Guide, interactive session notes, and handouts. Take advantage of this convenient way to keep your materials organized as... [Show more]
NOTE: This book will be relased in December 2021. This special Black History Month Study Guide is for churches and schools that would like to study Social Justice in the Word of God. Each week there will be different topics relating to justice: Social Justice in the Old Testament Justice and... [Show more]
Esta Guía de inicio rápido para el Facilitador de la escuela sabática de adultos está llena de información importante para ayudarlo a comenzar o revitalizar un ministerio en su iglesia local. Esta guía contiene una descripción del trabajo,... [Show more]
SPECIAL PRE-PRINT PRICE IS AVAILABLE UNTIL DECEMBER 1, 2022. THE REGULAR RETAIL PRICE IS $1.49. This special 2023 Black History Month Study Guide is for churches and schools who would like to study what the Word of God says about Emancipation. Each week there will be different topics relating to... [Show more]
Through the lens of Mary Magdalene, Lola Moore Johnston introduces Jesus as the One who pursues you as a suitor pursues his beloved. No matter how far you may have fallen, your heavenly Pursuer relentlessly proves that nothing you can do will make Him love you less. Your past, your present, your... [Show more]
Six key questions—referred to as the five Ws and one H—outline the essential areas of inquiry in news reporting, police investigations, and research. These five key questions—who, what, when, where, why, and how—should elicit the relevant data. These questions have been... [Show more]
Este recurso fue desarrollado para capacitar a los líderes del Ministerio de la Familia en las iglesias locales. La Guía del líder incluye un principio bíblico, actividad de apertura, información sobre el tema del módulo, diapositivas de PowerPoint para... [Show more]
Este folleto es parte de la certificación del Ministerio Infantil. Módulo #5 Liderazgo nos recuerda, ante todo, lo importante que es seguir al VERDADERO líder para el éxito en el ministerio. Liderazgo también cubre las habilidades e... [Show more]
Este práctico y resistente cuaderno incluye la tapa y los separadores y pestañas etiquetados, así como la guía del facilitador y los materiales de la sesión. Es una excelente manera de mantener sus materiales organizados a medida que dirige sus seminarios para... [Show more]