Includes everything you need for Encounter lessons on the prophecies of Daniel for the second quarter of 11th grade.
Includes everything you need for Encounter lessons on Daniel and Revelation for the second quarter of 11th grade.
Sex is everywhere... On Tv. In movies. On the web. In magazines. In high school and even in some youth groups. Yet even with all of this exposure, a big part of the sex story is not being told–a whole dimension that goes way beyond traditional answers. If you're fed up with our... [Show more]
Resources for local community services leaders
Bible reading is an excellent way to know God. These plan cards are a weekly reading guide that outline what scriptures each member should read in order to fulfill the class requirements.
Teacher’s Guide. 71-page, spiral bound, color manual with North American Division standards. Based on the book Three Cosmic Messages by Mark Finley, this course has been developed for junior and senior academy students who wish to gain additional Bible credit by taking an honors Bible... [Show more]
“Visitors are greeted; guests are honored. A visitor is an outsider with whom we connect temporarily; a guest is someone anticipated and delighted in; someone we want to feel welcome, stay a while and return.” The Bible has a lot to say about the practice of hospitality. Not only does it... [Show more]
Pin de corbata de 3 pulgadas que dice "Adventist Disaster Response." en inglés
Bolsas de plástico transparente tamaño de 10 "x 12" diseñadas para empacar productos de tu elección, como ropa y mantas donadas. Estas bolsas personalizadas son ampliamente utilizadas por organizaciones y miembros de iglesias los cuales donan juegos completos de ropa.... [Show more]
Download this PDF to get started leading your local ACS program