This Bible has been specially prepared to give hope to those who are facing different challenges in life. It is also a great resource for health care professionals, chaplains, and others who may offer any kind of support for those in need. The Hope Bible has many unique characteristics: Preliminary... [Show more]
Aprende sobre el mensaje de los tres ángeles en estas 10 guías de estudio. Donde encontraras cien misterios revelados de Apocalipsis 14. Las 10 guías: Guía 1 - Los tres ángeles y el apocalipsis Guía 2 - ¡Jesús es el Salvador! Guía 3 -... [Show more]
Bienvenido al apasionante mundo de las especialidades para Conquistadores, donde puedes aprender sobre cualquier cosa, desde los arrecifes de coral hasta los bosques tropicales, desde técnicas de amarre hasta robótica, desde fútbol hasta pickleball. Puedes aprender sobre... [Show more]
Una compilación clásica de las enseñanzas de Elena de White acerca del diezmo, las ofrendas y los principos de finanzas personales, familiares y de la iglesia. También presenta la relación del cristiano con el dinero y las propiedades.
None of us knows first-hand what heaven is like. We may not even be certain how many biblical descriptions are literal or symbolic. We can be sure that heaven far surpasses what we can imagine, and if we can't even imagine what heaven is like, we can't adequately portray it to children. However, we... [Show more]
Kids love heroes and instead of talking about superheroes from the comics or movies, this new VBS from the Seventh-day Adventist Church will teach them about heroes from the Bible. Miriam, Samuel and Rhoda were all kids who did little things that made a big difference. Each day we will talk about... [Show more]
This iFollow Bible study is designed to unpack Christ’s teachings about discipleship in the Gospel according to Matthew. It shows how Jesus drew people to Him and trained His disciples to reach others. The first three chapters focus on understanding what it meant – and still means... [Show more]
Ellen White's great-granddaughter shares her family stories of Ellen when she was growing up. This Early Reader book (7-9 year old) inspires children with stories about how God helped Ellen and spoke to her as she grew up and became His prophet. Ellen grew up like any other child in the 1800's. With... [Show more]