Is your personal devotion life inconsistent? Do you struggle feeling spiritually fed after reading the Bible? Do you sometimes find your Bible reading and devotions getting into a rut? This book is a valuable resource to help you get excited about studying the Bible. With 45 methods... [Show more]
¿Es usted el nuevo o actual líder de SJA en su iglesia? Si tiene una pasión para los jóvenes y quiere saber como la Sociedad de Jóves Adventistas puede hacer una diferencia en sus vidas, entonces este libro es para usted. Es una guía que le ayudará... [Show more]
A los niños les encantan los héroes y en lugar de hablar acerca de los superhéroes de los cómics o las películas, este nuevo programa de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día les enseñará acerca de los héroes de la Biblia.... [Show more]
This kit includes: Teacher’s Guide. 70-page, spiral bound, color manual with North American Division standards. Positive, upbeat lessons share the incredible love of God with students as demonstrated in the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14. Lessons integrate the Bible with... [Show more]
Teacher’s Guide. 80-page, spiral bound, color manual with North American Division standards. Interactive lessons share the incredible love of God with students as demonstrated in the three angels’ messages. The contrast between the harsh regimes of world leaders and God’s kingdom... [Show more]
Teacher’s Guide. 55-page, spiral bound, color manual with North American Division standards for integrated unit in Bible, language arts, and government. The second angel’s proclamation of the fall of Babylon and the coercion to “share the wine of her intense impurity and... [Show more]
February 2011
January 2011
March 2011