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Manual de Especialidades | USB Bilingüe

Manual de Especialidades | USB Bilingüe

El Manual de Especialidades tiene los requisitos de las especialidades, ¡e incluye especialidades de todo el mundo! Asegúrese de que tenga los requisitos de las especialidades por medio de añadir el Manual de Especialidades a su biblioteca de recursos. Incluye ocho... [Show more]

  • Precio:$14.95
God Said It: The Followers of Jesus #15 | Spanish

God Said It: The Followers of Jesus #15 | Spanish

Este libro de historias del Nuevo Testamento de la Biblia incluye cuatro maravillosas sorpresas acerca de cómo Dios obró en la iglesia cristiana primitiva. Mira como un ángel rescata a Peter de la prisión. Lea la asombrosa historia de cómo Saulo de Tarso se... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
God Said It: The Savior #14 | Spanish

God Said It: The Savior #14 | Spanish

Este libro cuenta historias sobre Jesús, nuestro Salvador: Su última noche en Getsemaní y Su arresto, Su juicio ante las autoridades romanas, Su crucifixión y Su victoria final sobre la muerte misma. Lo más importante es que este libro les enseña a los... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
Throw & Tell: Life Application Ball

Throw & Tell: Life Application Ball

Your children's ministry just got bigger, bouncier...and even more fun! Throw & Tell Balls are your secret weapons when kids show up grumpy, distracted, or bored. Simply inflate a sturdy, colorful ball and let kids toss the ball back and forth for 10 to 15 seconds. When you call "time," the student... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
Reach for the Stars - Pilot Your Own Craft

Reach for the Stars - Pilot Your Own Craft

Pilot Your Own Craft is a campmeeting program designed to help 5th and 6th graders recognize and involve themselves in the joys of being a leader for God. This fun and active program will lead juniors to a new understanding of Jesus' love for them, and a commitment to respond to His love by caring... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.00
21st Century Parables

21st Century Parables

“We wanted the modern retelling of each parable to help 21st century children connect with Jesus.” 21st Century Parables is a collection of the parables and teachings of Jesus in modern settings, written for use in readers’ theater format with no memorization required or as skits with simple scene... [Show more]

  • Precio:$19.95
Playful Worship

Playful Worship

If you want your child to experience worship as a bonding, imaginative and meaningful time because you were a part of it, this resource is for you. “Children learn through play! As a mum, I know I often feel like I’ve forgotten how to ‘play’ and need someone to remind me... [Show more]

  • Precio:$22.95
Messiah - Hard back

Messiah - Hard back

The Desire of Ages reborn! More than a hundred years ago, Ellen G. White penned The Desire of Ages, a classic volume on the life of Jesus that has been a source of inspiration and enlightenment to millions of readers all over the world. Author Jerry D. Thomas’s passion to make... [Show more]

  • Precio:$22.95
Teaching Children Track 2- Check-off Card

Teaching Children Track 2- Check-off Card

Teaching Children - Certification Check-off Card. Track #2 Teaching Children is part of NAD Children's Ministries Certification program.  Teaching Children imparts ideas and educational theories that help teach children in ways that are fun, dynamic, and spiritual.  The workshops... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.20
Ministerios Infantiles

Ministerios Infantiles

¿Cómo puede alcanzar a esta nueva generación de niños? Este libro tiene capítulos sobre las etapas de la infancia, Le muestra pasos simples de cómo guiar un niño a Jesús,  etapas de desarrollo de la fe, y mucho... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States