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Consuelo para el Día | Libro

Consuelo para el Día | Libro

Tu corazón está destrozado. Te resulta difícil respirar al despertar a la realidad de que alguien a quien aprecias se ha ido. La muerte ha arrebatado a tu ser querido de tus brazos. Ahora comienza la labor aparentemente insuperable de vivir a través del duelo.... [Show more]

  • Precio:$16.95
Extending a Warm and Caring Welcome

Extending a Warm and Caring Welcome

How visitor-friendly is your church? What does it take to provide great guest relations? What are some effective ways to conduct visitor follow-up? This spiral-bound guide book is excellent for greeter training. First impressions are powerful. They have tremendous potential, both positive and... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
¡Auxilio, somos padres! Desde el Nacimiento a la edad de 7 años | Libro & DVD

¡Auxilio, somos padres! Desde el Nacimiento a la edad de 7 años | Libro & DVD

En una encuesta nacional sobre el estado de las familias en Estados Unidos (Bowman, 2012), los padres creen que criar a los niños hoy en día es más complicado de lo que solía ser. Junto con eso, la mayoría percibió que la calidad de la vida familiar... [Show more]

  • Precio:$59.95
  • Sale:$29.95
More than Balloons

More than Balloons

25 creative illustrations to engage children! What do duct tape, Rice Krispies squares, and rain boots have to do with the Bible? You will find out as you explore the imagination and curious minds of kids by thinking outside the box. Through engaging, humorous, yet simple–to–use object... [Show more]

  • Precio:$10.95
A Deeper Look at Your Church - Leader's Guide

A Deeper Look at Your Church - Leader's Guide

A Deeper Look at Your Church is a book every new Adventist should read (along with those who are not so new, but could use a refresher). It is really “the rest of the story” from what you heard during evangelism—stated in terms of discipleship. This leader’s guide includes... [Show more]

  • Precio:$4.99
The Jesus Connection for Primary

The Jesus Connection for Primary

This resource provides everything needed to plan a 10-day camp meeting experience for primary children. A planning calendar lays out the steps for creating a successful program, starting 5 months in advance! You'll find suggestions for room decorations, songs, stories, activities, and special... [Show more]

  • Precio:$19.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States