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Quick Start Prayer Guide for Gen Z

Quick Start Prayer Guide for Gen Z

It seems like such a simple request. It was a request made by the disciples to Jesusone day. They saw Him praying and were so impressed and impacted by His prayer that they wanted to learn to pray like Him. Prayer can be one of the easiest things to do and one of the most difficult things at the... [Show more]

  • Precio:$1.95
Take the Pentecost Challenge

Take the Pentecost Challenge

Are you up for a challenge? Are you ready for your personal faith and confidence in God’s promises to be inspired? Is it time to be transformed by the Spirit of the Living God? If you are the 40-day journey with Jesus is for you. No, it is not a Week of Prayer. It is not 10 Days of fasting and... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.95
Leading from the Wall Leaders Guide

Leading from the Wall Leaders Guide

What are the defining qualities of a spiritual leader? For many, leadership is about power and influence. Few leaders are willing to be used by God and do not hesitate to use others. We are starved for what Cheryl Patton in What Made Nehemiah an Effective Leader describes... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.95
Comparing Christianity w/World Relig

Comparing Christianity w/World Relig

Could you defend and define your faith to a neighbor who's part of another world religion? Comparing the truths of Christianity to the key points of Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and tribal religions, this helpful brochure answers questions about other religious doctrines and offers a... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.95
Pocket Dictionary/ Understanding Adv

Pocket Dictionary/ Understanding Adv

The Ellen G. White Pocket Dictionary is a simple and ready reference work about the life and writings of Ellen G. White. Many people find her words and expressions challenging. Furthermore, some of the terms and places are unfamiliar.  This book includes not only basic terms of reference--such... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.99
World Religions: A Voyage of Discove

World Religions: A Voyage of Discove

The updated edition of this highly acclaimed text continues to help young people unlock the doors to the world's major religious traditions. The textbook highlights recent events in the history of these traditions and helps eleventh- and twelfth-graders understand the people, dimensions, and... [Show more]

  • Precio:$39.95
Manual de la Escuela Sabática

Manual de la Escuela Sabática

La Escuela Sabática es el grupo más importante en la iglesia local. Clases para niños proveen una experiencia religiosa y educacional. Desarrolla la relación con Jesús a cada diferente nivel. Adultos estudian la Biblia, aprenden principios bíblicos para sus... [Show more]

  • Precio:$8.95
Kit del Ministerio Infantil  | Colección de 8 Guías Rápida

Kit del Ministerio Infantil | Colección de 8 Guías Rápida

Las Guías de inicio rápido son una serie de folletos diseñados para ayudar a los líderes de las iglesias locales a iniciar o revitalizar un ministerio. Cada Guía de inicio rápido contiene una descripción del trabajo, instrucciones para comenzar,... [Show more]

  • Precio:$19.95
Dios lo dijo: En el principio | Libro #1 en la serie

Dios lo dijo: En el principio | Libro #1 en la serie

Las Escrituras contienen cientos de historias sobre personas que confiaron en Dios y lo obedecieron, personas que llegaron a conocer a Dios y personas que eligieron seguir su propio camino. En las historias de la creación, el primer pecado y el plan de salvación de Dios, Noé y... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99
Dios lo dijo: La vida de Jose | Libro #2 en la serie

Dios lo dijo: La vida de Jose | Libro #2 en la serie

Este libro cuenta la poderosa historia de José: la túnica de muchos colores, los sueños, los celos de su familia, ser vendido como esclavo, ser enviado a prisión, interpretar sueños, ser nombrado gobernador, salvar a Egipto y, finalmente, su victoriosa... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.99

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