Usted ha sido elegido por el comité de nombramiento de su iglesia y solicitado para que dirija una iniciativa para reconectarse con los miembros ausentes. Usted tiene pasión para este tipo de ministerio, pero no está completamente confiado dónde iniciar. Aquí es... [Show more]
You’ve been approached by your church’s nominating committee and asked to lead an initiative to reconnect with missing members. You have a heart for that kind of ministry, but you are not completely confident you know where to start. Well, here’s where you begin. This Quick Start... [Show more]
What if churches created opportunity instead of opposition? Ramps instead of resistance? What if we let them know they can get back on the road? What if we build bridges and not walls, opportunities and not opposition? This resource is not an end-all, nor does it pretend to know everything. It is... [Show more]
¿Qué pasaría si las iglesias crearan oportunidades en lugar de oposición? ¿Rampas en lugar de resistencia? ¿Qué pasa si les hacemos saber que pueden volver a la carretera? ¿Y si construimos puentes y no muros, oportunidades y no... [Show more]
This Quick Start Guide for Personal Ministries is full of important information to help you start or revitalize a ministry at your local church. This guide contains a job description, instructions for getting started, tips for maintaining a successful ministry, troubleshooting suggestions,... [Show more]
Women are the backbone of the church. In the North American Division women comprise nearly 60 percent of church membership and serve in every department of the church. Women’s contributions are vital to the mission and success of the church. An active women’s ministry in the local church... [Show more]
This Quick Start Guide for Health Ministries Coordinators is full of important information to help you start or revitalize a ministry at your local church. This guide contains a job description, instructions for getting started, tips for maintaining a successful ministry, troubleshooting... [Show more]
This Quick Start Guide for Prison Ministries is full of important information to help you start or revitalize a ministry at your local church. This guide contains a job description, instructions for getting started, tips for maintaining a successful ministry, troubleshooting suggestions, recommended... [Show more]
This Quick Start Guide for community services is full of important information to help you start or revitalize a ministry at your local church. This guide contains a job description, instructions for getting started, tips for maintaining a successful ministry, troubleshooting suggestions,... [Show more]
Esta Guía Rápida para el Ministerio a los discapacitados está llena de información importante para ayudarle a iniciar o revitalizar un ministerio en su iglesia local. Esta guía contiene una descripción de trabajo, instrucciones para comenzar, sugerencias... [Show more]