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How to Give a Bible Study

How to Give a Bible Study

It was a hot sticky August afternoon. Sixteen-year-old Kurt Johnson found himself standing on a sidewalk in Pasco, Washington, clutching a Bible with sweaty hands. His heart beat like a hammer in his chest. He was facing his first Bible study! Pastor Ralph had said it was simple. Take a gift Bible,... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.99
How to Give Bible Studies

How to Give Bible Studies

The Personal Ministries Training Course includes nine units that are arranged so leaders in outreach can become more effective both personally and in leading others in witnessing. The courses are divided into three segments: Core Units, Essential Skills and Member-Led Public Evangelism. In How to... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.95
Bible Study Basics - Bible Study Guide

Bible Study Basics - Bible Study Guide

Bible Study Basics builds on the premise that for Seventh-day Adventists, called “people of the book,” discipleship cannot be understood except in terms of a process fed by Bible study. In nurturing disciples, one of the things we often fail to do is teach them how to study the Bible; we... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.99
Lifting Up Jesus - Bible Study

Lifting Up Jesus - Bible Study

Lifting Up Jesus is a 30-lesson Bible study set in which the first nine lessons are all about Christ. This series of lessons is relational in nature. They speak not of what but of Whom. Jesus said in John 12:32, “But I, when I am lifted up will draw all men unto myself.” These lessons are designed... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
Search for Certainty Bible Study Guides

Search for Certainty Bible Study Guides

These updated and revised Christ-centered Bible lessons present the traditional Adventist doctrines in a clear, carefully reasoned, faith-building way that will appeal to your unchurched friends. They can be used with any version of the Bible, are easy to understand, and have a fresh, contemporary... [Show more]

  • Precio:$10.95
Guía de Estudio de la Biblia

Guía de Estudio de la Biblia

Este sobre contiene 14 guías de estudio bíblico. Las guías están ilustradas en color y están en un formato claro y fácil de leer. Contenido: Por qué puedes confiar en la Biblia El origen del mal Cómo obtener el regalo gratuito de... [Show more]

  • Precio:$4.95
Bible Study Guides

Bible Study Guides

This envelope contains 14 Bible study guides. The guides are illustrated in color and are in a clear, easy-to-read format. Contents: Why you can trust the Bible The origin of evil How to obtain Christ’s free gift of salvation What will heaven be like? How to have a happy, holy marriage The... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.95
Give Your Kids the Keys

Give Your Kids the Keys

As a Christian parent, you want to do everything you can to point your children in God's direction . . . but how? The answer is to teach them how to drive–and you don't even have to wait until they turn 16! Give Your Kids the Key is your driving coach's handbook. Instead you'll find out how to be... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.99
Lifting Up Jesus - Bible Study (Kids)

Lifting Up Jesus - Bible Study (Kids)

This relational set of 16 Bible lessons is geared for children ages 7-11. These Lifting Up Jesus lessons disciple children by first leading them to Jesus and showing them how to have an intimate relationship with Him. Doctrines are then taught through the lens of the love of God. This set... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
Beginning Your Spiritual Journey - Bible Study Guide

Beginning Your Spiritual Journey - Bible Study Guide

Beginning Your Spiritual Journey is designed specifically to support the entire discipleship process. So many of us actually “stumble” into our spiritual lives, with no real plan for how we’re going to walk the spiritual journey successfully, let alone how we’re going to grow in Christ. We mean... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.99

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