
Items by publisher: Adventsource

Introduction to Youth Ministry - Par

Introduction to Youth Ministry - Par

The Youth Ministry Training Certification is part of the Adventist Youth Ministries Training (AYMT) which includes certifications for Adventurer Club Ministries, Pathfinder Club Ministries, Master Guides and Youth Ministries. Each participant will need a copy of this book. Copyright 2020.

  • Precio:$2.95
Introduction to Youth Ministry Prese

Introduction to Youth Ministry Prese

The Youth Ministry Training Certification is something that every person working with youth should complete. These eight workshops presents the basics for leading a successful youth ministry in your church. Presenters responsible for these workshops should make sure that, in addition to... [Show more]

  • Precio:$4.95
Sabbath is a Celebration

Sabbath is a Celebration

This booklet includes everything you need to make Sabbath a celebration. It includes suggestions for Sabbath meals, preparation tips, starting Sabbath traditions, choosing monthly themes, and more.

  • Precio:$1.95
Characters Who Made a Difference

Characters Who Made a Difference

“You are the light for the whole world… Make your light shine, so others will see the good you do and will praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14,15 CEV There is no better place for the light of God to shine than on a university campus. Students from a broad spectrum of... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.95
Characters Who Made a Difference-Par

Characters Who Made a Difference-Par

“You are the light for the whole world… Make your light shine, so others will see the good you do and will praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14,15 CEV There is no better place for the light of God to shine than on a university campus. Students from a broad spectrum of... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.95
Carpeta de Guía Mayor

Carpeta de Guía Mayor

El plan de estudios de los Guías Mayores se enfoca en el desarrollo del liderazgo, el discipulado, el servicio cristiano y la evangelización. A fin de completar los requisitos de los Guías Mayores, los participantes deberán: Hacer hincapié en su crecimiento... [Show more]

  • Precio:$4.95
Master Guide Portfolio - English

Master Guide Portfolio - English

The Master Guide Club focuses on leadership development, discipleship, outreach, and evangelism. Members of the club will: Emphasize spiritual and personal growth for a more intimate relationship with Christ. Provide Master Guide Leadership Training based on the North American Division’s... [Show more]

  • Precio:$4.95
Creciendo Juntos | Libro

Creciendo Juntos | Libro

La alarmante realidad de muchas iglesias actualmente es la gran cantidad de espacios vacíos dejados por los jóvenes y adultos jóvenes ausentes en la congregación. Los resultados de un estudio del panorama religioso realizado por el Centro de Investigación Pew entre... [Show more]

  • Precio:$14.95
Deep Calling ePub

Deep Calling ePub

Deep Calling: On Being and Growing Disciples is a wholistic discipleship movement. Discipleship and disciple-making that emphasizes a life-long process, not a destination. It’s about making space for God in the every day, bearing witness to transformation in the ordinary. It’s... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
Deep Calling Complete Kit

Deep Calling Complete Kit

Deep Calling: on being and growing disciples is a wholistic discipleship movement. Discipleship and disciple-making that emphasizes a life-long process, not a destination. It’s about making space for God in the every day, bearing witness to transformation in the ordinary. It’s about... [Show more]

  • Precio:$79.95
Deep Calling Journal

Deep Calling Journal

Deep Calling: on being and growing disciples is a wholistic discipleship movement. Discipleship and disciple-making that emphasizes a life-long process, not a destination. It’s about making space for God in the every day, bearing witness to transformation in the ordinary. It’s about... [Show more]

  • Precio:$12.95
Deep Calling Curriculum

Deep Calling Curriculum

Deep Calling: on being and growing disciples is a wholistic discipleship movement. Discipleship and disciple-making that emphasizes a life-long process, not a destination. It’s about making space for God in the every day, bearing witness to transformation in the ordinary. It’s about... [Show more]

  • Precio:$49.95
Deep Calling

Deep Calling

Deep Calling: on being and growing disciples is a wholistic discipleship movement. Discipleship and disciple-making that emphasizes a life-long process, not a destination. It’s about making space for God in the every day, bearing witness to transformation in the ordinary. It’s about... [Show more]

  • Precio:$14.95
Before All Things Leaders Gd

Before All Things Leaders Gd

So many voices. So many questions! Who is right? Does God exist? Which God should we follow? Does anyone have the answer? P aul was excited about what he had come to know and experience about Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus had changed his life completely. He went from the greatest skeptic and persecutor... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.95
Before All Things Participants Gd

Before All Things Participants Gd

So many voices. So many questions! Who is right? Does God exist? Which God should we follow? Does anyone have the answer? Paul was excited about what he had come to know and experience about Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus had changed his life completely. He went from the greatest skeptic and... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.95
Acts On Campus Leaders Gd

Acts On Campus Leaders Gd

The book of Acts opens with Jesus’ last-minute instructions just before His ascension. The disciples stood with open mouths, clueless about their mission or where to even begin. The two guiding angels seemed surprised at their incomprehension. “Why are you standing here looking into the... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.95

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