
Items by publisher: Adventsource

EBV Jamii Kingdom Hacienda Habari (historias bíblicas)

EBV Jamii Kingdom Hacienda Habari (historias bíblicas)

En esta estación los niños escucharán las buenas nuevas acerca de Jesús.  El narrador presentará la lección de cada día en el estilo de narración africana tradicional.  Las ayudas visuales y las preguntas que provocan la... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.99
EBV Jamii Kingdom Aldea Indaba (apertura y clausura)

EBV Jamii Kingdom Aldea Indaba (apertura y clausura)

Los niños se reunirán aquí al comienzo de cada día para aprender nuevas canciones con movimientos y descubrir el Punto de Acción Bíblica, el versículo clave y el amigo de la Biblia.  En el programa de cierre, los niños revisarán lo... [Show more]

  • Precio:$14.99
EBV Jamii Kingdom Guía para el Director

EBV Jamii Kingdom Guía para el Director

Esta Guía del Director está diseñada para ayudarlo a planificar un programa divertido y exitoso para las iglesias de cualquier tamaño.  Incluye una descripción básica del programa junto con información detallada de la estación. ... [Show more]

  • Precio:$14.99
Ignite Participants Guide

Ignite Participants Guide

This guide is for participants at Ignite Sabbath school training events.

  • Precio:$2.95
Ignite Leader's Guide

Ignite Leader's Guide

The Foundations and Techniques Leader's Guide is the first book in the Youth Sabbath School Leadership Training program.

  • Precio:$4.95
He Came to My House

He Came to My House

El vino a mi casa, es un libro de trabajo que contiene presentaciones prácticas para la administración del dinero cristiano. Excelente para un grupo pequeño de estudio o para realizar un fin de semana de mayordomía para su iglesia. Derechos de autor 2019.

  • Precio:$9.95
Ministry to Juveniles

Ministry to Juveniles

Ministry to Juveniles serves as a guide for those who are already ministering to juvenile offenders and at-risk youth and for those who are interested in ministering to this important group. Sections include factors of juvenile behavior, media and music influences on behavior, gangs, and absentee... [Show more]

  • Precio:$2.95
Sermons that Strengthen Families | Francés

Sermons that Strengthen Families | Francés

When people are in a happy and healthy marriage, they are more likely to be part of happy and healthy family. Families in which children are more likely to be discipled in the ways of God, people are more likely to practice faithful stewardship, and all are more likely to be strong witnesses... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
Help! I'm a Parent Birth - 7  French

Help! I'm a Parent Birth - 7 French

In a national survey of the state of families in America (Bowman, 2012), parents reportedly believe that raising children today is more complicated than it used to be. Along with that, most perceived that the quality of American family life was declining. In addition, 55% of the parents surveyed... [Show more]

  • Precio:$11.95
VBS 19 Trackers Map (27x39)

VBS 19 Trackers Map (27x39)

 Use this Trackers Map during the closing program. Kids will place paw prints with their daily take-aways on this map.   Dimensions: 27 x 39. Copyright 2018.

  • Precio:$4.95
VBS 19 Postcards - Church Inv (100)

VBS 19 Postcards - Church Inv (100)

Use these postcards to invite kids from your church and community to attend Jamii Kingdom VBS. This set includes 100 postcards. Copyright 2018.

  • Precio:$9.99
VBS 19 Starter Kit - Spanish

VBS 19 Starter Kit - Spanish

Get ready for summer fun in Jamii Kingdom! At this Vacation Bible School kids will have a great time exploring an African savanna while making friends and learning how we are all part of God’s big family. Christ-centered activities will introduce kids to the plan of salvation and how we can... [Show more]

  • Precio:$159.99
VBS 19 Starter Kit - English

VBS 19 Starter Kit - English

Get ready for summer fun in Jamii Kingdom! At this Vacation Bible School kids will have a great time exploring an African savanna while making friends and learning how we are all part of God’s big family. Christ-centered activities will introduce kids to the plan of salvation and how we can... [Show more]

  • Precio:$159.99
VBS 19 Mission Envelope

VBS 19 Mission Envelope

Use this envelope to collect each day's mission offerings at Jamii Kingdom VBS. It includes instructions for sending mission funds to the North American Division. Copyright 2018. 

VBS 19 Paw Prints (10 sets of 5 colo

VBS 19 Paw Prints (10 sets of 5 colo

Kids will place these paw prints on the Trackers Map during the closing program each day at VBS. You'll need one set of paw prints for each tribe at your VBS.   Copyright 2018.

  • Precio:$8.99
VBS 19 Certificate of Attendance (10

VBS 19 Certificate of Attendance (10

Give each child who attends VBS a certificate of attendance during your closing program. This set includes 10 certificates. Copyright 2018.

  • Precio:$2.99

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States