Every day when you wake up and look in the mirror, the person staring back at you is your primary follower, and you are their primary leader. That person will do what you tell them to do. They will go where you tell them to go. They will say what you tell them to say. They will follow you up a... [Show more]
ORÍGENES nos presenta de una manera única la evidencia de las afinidades y los conflictos que hay entre la ciencia y la religión, específicamente en cuanto al tema de la creación frente a la evolución. Con la ayuda de científicos y académicos,... [Show more]
ORÍGENES, una serie de 6 partes sobre la base científica del creacionismo, nos presenta de manera única los datos y la evidencia que apunta directamente a lo que dice la Biblia acerca de nuestro Creador. Cada sesión incluye un breve video de apertura, diapositivas de las... [Show more]
“No preacher is going to raise their hand to say, ‘I need help.” Seventh-day Adventist pastors face challenges with health and wellness, even with a beautiful whole-life health message ingrained in our faith tradition. We also live with the challenges of resilience, depression,... [Show more]
¡Descarga los videos musicales de la EBV de Jasper Canyon! INSTRUCCIONES DE DESCARGA: Una vez que se complete su compra, recibirá un correo electrónico con instrucciones de descarga. NOTA: Las ventas de archivos descargables son definitivas y no reembolsables.
¡Descargue los archivos de audio para la EBV de Jasper Canyon! INSTRUCCIONES DE DESCARGA: Una vez que se complete su compra, recibirá un correo electrónico con instrucciones de descarga.NOTA: Las ventas de archivos descargables son finales y no son... [Show more]
Download the music video files in contemporary and traditional styles for Jasper Canyon VBS! DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: Once your purchase is complete you will receive an email with download instructions. NOTE: Sales of downloadable files are final and are non-refundable.
Download the music audio files in contemporary and traditional style for Jasper Canyon VBS!
¿Cómo sabes si eres un hijo de Dios? ¿Cómo puedes estar seguro de que tienes un lugar en el cielo? ¿Cómo puedes invitar a Jesús a tu corazón? Responderemos estas y otras preguntas en este libro. ¡Léeselo a tu amigo o... [Show more]
Research shows that between 30 and 50 percent of new members who are baptized do not stick to the church. They fall away. Sometimes we notice only after it has been several months or even years. What happened to them? Where did they go? Why did they leave? And, most importantly, what could we have... [Show more]
Basado en la investigación y la experiencia personal, Ayudando a escribir el capítulo final es un manual básico sobre la muerte, el proceso del duelo y cómo ministrar a quienes pasan por estas experiencias. Comience su viaje de exploración hacia algo que es... [Show more]
The Journal of Family Research and Practice (JFRP) is an annual publication of the Family Ministries Department of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and is released each year in conjunction with the Adventist Conference on Family Research and Practice (ACFRP). It... [Show more]
This resource was created to train Family Ministries leaders in the local church. Each chapter includes a Scripture principle, individual and group activities and information on the subject in that module of the curriculum. Modules include: A Firm Foundation Relationship &... [Show more]
This curriculum was created to train Family Ministries leaders in the local church. The Leader’s Guide includes a Scripture principle, opening activity, information on the subject for that module, PowerPoint slides to accompany the presentation, and group activities for each of the six modules... [Show more]
The Master Guide curriculum focuses on leadership development, discipleship, outreach, and evangelism. As part of completing the Master Guide requirements individuals will: • Emphasize spiritual and personal growth for a more intimate relationship with Christ.• Assist with Adventure and... [Show more]
The Master Guide Club focuses on leadership development, discipleship, outreach, and evangelism. Members of the club will: Emphasize spiritual and personal growth for a more intimate relationship with Christ. Provide Master Guide Leadership... [Show more]