
Items by: Adventsource

The Unbelievable Beatitudes

The Unbelievable Beatitudes

Many are familiar with Jesus’ famous words that lead His Sermon on the Mount. Those words have been cause for hope for Christians everywhere. They have also been cause for profound discussion regarding just how we should conduct ourselves in this broken world. But you’re about to delve into the... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.99
WITH Incarnational Leading on Campus

WITH Incarnational Leading on Campus

Some people seem more gifted than the rest of us at being present—they just faithfully show up. When they leave, it’s not because they’ve got a task to run to but because we’re done venting, crying, or whatever the reason for their presence. We look at them with defeat in our eyes. “They’re... [Show more]

  • Precio:$4.95
Un Seguidor de Jesús | Guía para el Lider

Un Seguidor de Jesús | Guía para el Lider

Seguir a Jesús es como realizar un viaje. Los miembros se desaniman. Algunos se resbalan, se caen y necesitan ayuda. Hay lugares peligrosos en donde se necesita una mano amiga. Muchas veces, aquellos que se sienten solos y sin guía desaparecen en silencio. Jesús entiende los... [Show more]

  • Precio:$4.99
Un Seguidor de Jesús | Guía de estudio

Un Seguidor de Jesús | Guía de estudio

Seguir a Jesús es como realizar un viaje. Los miembros se desaniman. Algunos se resbalan, se caen y necesitan ayuda. Hay lugares peligrosos en donde se necesita una mano amiga. Muchas veces, aquellos que se sienten solos y sin guía desaparecen en silencio. Un Seguidor de Jesús... [Show more]

  • Precio:$5.99
Ministerio de Caballeros | Tarjeta de registro

Ministerio de Caballeros | Tarjeta de registro

Utilice esta práctica tarjeta de registro para marcar su progreso del currículo del Ministerio de Caballeros.

  • Precio:Gratis
¡Auxilio, somos padres! Desde el Nacimiento a la edad de 7 años | Libro & DVD

¡Auxilio, somos padres! Desde el Nacimiento a la edad de 7 años | Libro & DVD

En una encuesta nacional sobre el estado de las familias en Estados Unidos (Bowman, 2012), los padres creen que criar a los niños hoy en día es más complicado de lo que solía ser. Junto con eso, la mayoría percibió que la calidad de la vida familiar... [Show more]

  • Precio:$49.95
Parents TrainUp - DVD

Parents TrainUp - DVD

Today’s teens are faced with so many challenges on the path to becoming responsible adults. Parents have a unique challenge in raising teens who have strong morals and achieve their full potential. TrainUp is a ministry designed to equip parents to empower their teenagers through training,... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
Parents TrainUp - Kit

Parents TrainUp - Kit

Today’s teens are faced with so many challenges on the path to becoming responsible adults. Parents have a unique challenge in raising teens who have strong morals and achieve their full potential. TrainUp is a ministry designed to equip parents to empower their teenagers through training,... [Show more]

  • Precio:$14.95
Parents TrainUp - Participant's Guide

Parents TrainUp - Participant's Guide

Today’s teens are faced with so many challenges on the path to becoming responsible adults. Parents have a unique challenge in raising teens who have strong morals and achieve their full potential. TrainUp is a ministry designed to equip parents to empower their teenagers through training,... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.95
Parents TrainUp - Leader's Guide

Parents TrainUp - Leader's Guide

Today’s teens are faced with so many challenges on the path to becoming responsible adults. Parents have a unique challenge in raising teens who have strong morals and achieve their full potential. TrainUp is a ministry designed to equip parents to empower their teenagers through training,... [Show more]

  • Precio:$7.95
¡Auxilio, somos padres! Desde nacimiento a la edad de 7 años | Libro

¡Auxilio, somos padres! Desde nacimiento a la edad de 7 años | Libro

En una encuesta nacional sobre el estado de las familias en Estados Unidos (Bowman, 2012), los padres creen que criar a los niños hoy en día es más complicado de lo que solía ser. Junto con eso, la mayoría percibió que la calidad de la vida familiar... [Show more]

  • Precio:$1.00
¡Auxilio, somos padres! Desde nacimiento a la edad de 7 años | DVD

¡Auxilio, somos padres! Desde nacimiento a la edad de 7 años | DVD

¡Auxilio, somos padres!: La paternidad cristiana en el mundo actual inspirará y dará ánimo a padres, abuelos y a quienes están al cuidado de los niños como discípulos de Jesús. Aborda desafíos frecuentes que experimentan los padres desde... [Show more]

  • Precio:$59.95
Building Family Memories - FM Planbook 2015  (NAD Edition)

Building Family Memories - FM Planbook 2015 (NAD Edition)

Building Family Memories was created for pastors and ministry leaders in their work with families in and out of the church, serving as a catalyst to help them create memories of joy that will help families to be ready for the coming of Jesus Christ. From sermons to seminars, children’s stories to... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
Mobile Evangelism - Mobi Version

Mobile Evangelism - Mobi Version

The goal of this book is to help you start creating videos with your mobile device. You’ve probably shot a video or two already on your mobile device, but there are some basic things that will sabotage your video. Do you know how to hold your mobile device? Did you know that you can connect a... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.99
Mobile Journalism - ePub Version

Mobile Journalism - ePub Version

The goal of this book is to help you start creating videos with your mobile device. You’ve probably shot a video or two already on your mobile device, but there are some basic things that will sabotage your video. Do you know how to hold your mobile device? Did you know that you can connect a... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.99
Investiture Achievement Director's Guide

Investiture Achievement Director's Guide

Welcome to the exciting world of Investiture Achievement! This Director's Guide will give you a complete overview of what is required for the completion of each level and some basic teaching tips you or the Instructors in your club can use to help Pathfinders complete the requirements. Investiture... [Show more]

  • Precio:$19.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States