
Reviving Vanishing Virtues

Reviving Vanishing Virtues

Producto #420491

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As the title of this book implies, there has been a steady and precipitous decline of our cherished virtues and moral standards in society. Hence, there is an urgent need to revive and revitalize them in our lives, families, churches, schools, and society as a whole. The author endeavors to find biblical principles to help us pull back from going down this slippery slope, and to set us on a path that leads us forward and upward as we emulate Christ’s virtuous path.

In an accommodating age where almost anything goes, let us show others genuine courtesy instead of rudeness, integrity in place of dishonesty, humility instead of arrogance. Moreover, let us replace duplicity with fidelity, irresponsibility with accountability, impulsiveness with discipline, and injustice with justice and impartiality.

About the Author: A former professor in the Theological Seminar at Andrews University in Michigan, a missionary in Africa, and a previous editor of the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide at the General Conference in Maryland, Dr. Philip G. Samaan is currently a professor emeritus at Southern Adventist University after teaching there for 20 years. He is the author of: Christ’s Way to Pray, Christ’s Way of Affirmation, Christ’s Way to Restoration, Christ’s Way to Spiritual Growth, Christ’s Way of Making Disciples, Christ’s Way to Salvation, Christ’s Way of Healing, Abraham’s Other Son, Dare to Be a Daniel, and The Mideast Messiah.

Paperback. Copyright 2024. 251 pages.

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