
Single Creek - Public Screening Edition (DVD)

Single Creek - Public Screening Edition (DVD)

Producto #351313

  • Precio:$124.95
Estatus: En stock
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According to US Census data, approximately 100 million single adults now live in the United States, representing 45% all U.S. households. 40% of all births now come from unmarried parents. And while the numbers of single adults climb each year, the Christian church’s sermons and programs often lack inclusiveness.

Single Creek is a documentary film about real single adults with real issues at all stages of life. Single Creek urges church leaders and married couples to consider new ways to connect with this growing demographic while challenging singles themselves to live full lives through their faith and talents. More than 20 interviews include voices from the never-married, divorced, widowed, formerly gay and well-known authors and speakers.

This public screening edition includes extended footage, two music videos, movie trailer, promotional posters (PDF format), and two study/discussion guides (PDF format).

Copyright 2010. Duration: 58:30.

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