
Help with Church Finances

Our church always struggles with meeting its budget. What can we do to turn things around?

1. Get a clear picture of what's coming in. Without divulging names ask your treasurer to provide the church board with a concise analysis of giving patterns over the previous 12 months (tithe and local church offerings). 

2. Ask how your local and state economy may be impacting your congregation. Have any members been laid off or furloughed from their jobs?

3. Adjust your in-house budgets to fit your income. Not doing this at home wrecks havoc on your personal finances. The same applies at church where revenues can be even more unpredictable. 

4. Educate members about their church budget. Use bulletin inserts and PowerPoint clips to show where the money is being spent.

5. Emphasize the giving nature of God and Christ. Encourage members to pattern their lives after Heaven's economy of generosity. Avoid language that is manipulative and coercive.

6. Ask for input on how church monies can be spent more effectively.

25 Ways to Improve Giving

Rich DuBose is Director of Church Support Services for the Pacific Union Conference and a producer of Christian web content.

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