
How to Grow Your Own Ministry

Do you feel the tug to embark on a new mission for God? Our fulfillment in life is directly related to our willingness to venture out and respond to the promptings and ideas God sends our way.

The problem is, so many of us are on auto pilot with our unending to-do lists, we seldom have time to hear God’s invitation to adventure through service! A unique kind of joy awaits each one who is ready to accept God’s challenge!

Here are some tips to help you listen, identify and follow God’s call:

1) Be still. Read Psalm 46:10 and allow it to permeate your heart. Make a list of the things in your life that presently give you a sense of unrest. Conclude your meditation by reading Mark 4:39.

2) Listen carefully.
Read Luke 9:28-35. Listen for signals from God. For a period of time, avoid television, radio and Internet media outlets so you can clear your mind. As you go through the day, pause to jot down your thoughts. Listen more carefully to the people around you. At the end of your prayer times, be quiet for a while before you finish.

 3) Look at the trend of your life.
What areas of interests do you have? How has God led in your past? Make a list of the things you like to do.

4) Seek input from a friend.
Ask a friend to give their perspective on your strengths as they relate to starting a ministry.

 5) Make a decision.
Starting a ministry need not be frightening or permanent. Don’t be afraid to experiment. You may go through several ideas before you find one that fits you. You may also want to establish a particular time frame for your efforts.

6) Think big, start small.
One man decided to start a ministry of encouragement by sending out cards and notes to people in need. If there are others who share a similar interest this could be expanded to a team effort. An academy chaplain and some students decided to send letters of encouragement to local church leaders throughout their conference. The ripple effect from such efforts is unending.

7) Give it Time.
Whether you’re starting a small group, sharing your music in a coffee house setting, creating uplifting graphics for a web page, or visiting shut-ins, give it time. Ask yourself, “What am I expecting to get out of this?” Ultimately, ministries are about touching lives to share grace. Bathe your life and ministry in God’s grace and give it time to grow.

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