
Let's Get Acquainted

Here's a brief survey that can be used as an ice-breaker for pastors to get better acquainted with children enrolled in a baptismal class.

As your pastor, I'm eager to get better acquainted with you over the next few weeks. Please tell me about yourself!

 1. Name _______________________ Age _______________

If you had the opportunity to name yourself, what name would you choose?

 2. If you have a pet, what is his/her first and middle names?

 3. How many people are in your family?

 4. What do you like best about being in ____ grade?

 5. Finish the sentence. I attend my church because . . .

 6. Are you a baptized member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church?

 7. Are your parents members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church?

 8. Do you feel that prayer makes a difference in your life?

 9. If Jesus were to come today do you feel ready to meet Him?

10. Do you talk to your parents about spiritual things?

11. Do you talk to your friends about spiritual problems?

12. What is your favorite Bible story? [

13. Quickly finish these one liners:

I am proud of . . .
I wish I were . . .
I wish I had . . .
I wish I could . . .
I am afraid of . . .
My favorite place is . . .
I wish my parents would . . .
If I had a hundred dollars I would . . .
I hate . . .
My hero is . . .
The hardest thing for me to do is . . .
I'm really happy when . . .
If I were God I would . . .

When they are done invite the children to turn these into you and use the knowledge with discretion to identify more with your students.

Without giving their names, read some of the "one liner" responses to the whole group. Try mixing some of your own responses in with theirs (and don't hesitate to identify yours). This should make everyone feel more comfortable with you.

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