No doubt you have read this before:
”If we would humble ourselves before God, and be kind and courteous and tenderhearted and pitiful, there would be one hundred conversions to the truth where now there is only one.” ---Testimonies, Vol. 9, p. 189.
A contemporary version of this passage might read:
”If we would just pay more attention to God, and be gracious, considerate and kind with those around us, we would see one hundred people embrace Christ and His end-time message where there is now only one.”
Each of us could benefit from an emphasis on how to better love one another.
Instead of taking the same approach to evangelism every year, what would happen if for one year a church, or even a conference decided to focus its resources and training on helping its members and guests to better understand and demonstrate simple kindness and compassion?
Instead of public evangelism sessions on end-time prophecies and the Mark of the Beast, PowerPoint presentations could be created for members and non-members on how Jesus treated people and how to practice His people skills in the 21st Century.
Presentation and activity topics could include:
1. Common courtesies rediscovered
2. How to encourage people who are despondent
3. Moving from “road rage” to “happy trails”
4. How to love hyperactive children
5. How to become more people-focused
6. Everyone has a story, what’s yours?
7. How to share your story with love
Obviously, more themes could be added. The idea is to focus our energies on learning how to be the kind of people Ellen White said would revolutionize Adventist evangelism.
Related resources: Center for Creative Ministry
At the time this article was written, Rich DuBose was Director of Church Support Services for the Pacific Union Conference and a producer of Christian web content.