
Bats Honor Requirements

Bats Honor Requirements



Download the requirements for the Bats honor by clicking on the download link above.


1. Why are bats classified as mammals and not birds?
2. What is the main characteristic that separates bats from all other mammals?
3. What is the name of the order that bats belong to and what does it mean?
4. What are the largest and smallest bats and where do they live?
5. How many different types of bats are there worldwide?
6. Bats are divided into 2 suborders. What are their names?
7. Which suborder of bats uses echolocation and which suborder use eyesight to findtheir food?
8. What is the diet of the Megabats?
9. What is the diet of the Microbats
10. How many babies does a bat have each year and what are the babies called?
11. Find three Bible texts that mentions bats. Which text uses bats in an end time prophecy?
12. Do bats hibernate or migrate for the winter?
13. Name the parts of a bat.
14. How many insects can a microbat eat in an hour?
15. What are the 2 main benefits bats provide for man?
16. Build or purchase a bat box, know the best place to put it and install it at a home, church, or your school. Record for 3 months what kind and how many bats have made it their home.  

Skill Level 1
Approved 2/2004

Bats, Advanced

1. Earn the bat honor.
2. What are caves, attics, bridges, or tunnels where bats hibernate called?
3. Give 3 examples of colonizing bats.
4. Give 3 examples of solitary roosting bats.
5. What is meant by delayed implantation?
6. How long is the gestation period for bats?
7. What is bat guano and why was it important during the war of 1812 and the Civil War?
8. What disease can be contracted from large quantities of guano?
9. What is the life-span of a bat?
10. Do all bats have rabies?
11. How good is the vision of microbats and megabats?
12. What North American bat is pictured on the honor?

Skill Level 2
Approved 2/2004

North American Division
2001 Edition

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