
Bible Royalty Award Requirements

Bible Royalty Award Requirements



Download the requirements for the Bible Royalty award by clicking on the download link above.

Level: Helping Hand (4th grade)
Category: Spiritual
Section: My World

Bible Royalty

1. Memorize Psalm 100:4.
2. Name five Bible kings. Which kings were the best rulers and why?
3. Tell stories about two of the kings as the children act out the stories.
4. Name at least four queens in the Bible. Why are these queens important?
5. Have the Adventurers write a story about queens and read it to the class.
6. Make two of the following:

  1. A throne room using a shoe box
  2. Crowns and explain what decorations mean to the king
  3. Decorate a chair for a king
  4. Mural of a throne room
  5. Other

2. First king: Saul; second king: David; third king: Solomon. Joash was seven years old when he started his reign; Josiah was eight when he became king. King Jesus is another example.
3. Use costumes, crowns, throne chair, etc. if possible.
4. Vashti, Esther, Bathsheba, Queen of Sheba, Jezebel, etc.
5. May work in small groups to write the story. Then share the story with the class.
6. Use Bible story books for picture ideas. Possibilities include throne, carpet, pictures, vases, jewels, velvet, etc.

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