
Bird Pets Honor Requirements

Bird Pets Honor Requirements



Download the requirements for the Bird Pets honor by clicking on the download link above.

Bird Pets

1. Keep one or a pair of birds for at least six months.
2. Show you have completed one of the following:

  1. If you have a cage bird, keep a record of its care for at least one month. Include food habits, water needs, cage cleaning, etc.
  2. If you do not have a cage bird now but completed requirement #1 in the past, take care of some one elseís bird for at least one week while they are on vacation, etc., and maintain a record of the required care.

3. Canaries

  1. Give the names of four varieties of canaries.
  2. Give a brief history of the origin and development of canaries.
  3. Name and distinguish five seeds used in canary feeding.
  4. Describe briefly the general care of canaries.

4. Parakeets or love birds

  1. To what country are parakeets or love birds native?
  2. Describe briefly their habits of feeding, nesting, and general behavior.

5. Pigeons

  1. Name and identify six varieties of pigeons.
  2. Describe their kind of food and general management.

6. What are the laws in your state or country regarding the capture, breeding, role and/or export of cage birds? Be sure you are abiding by them while fulfilling the requirements of this Honor.

Skill Level 1
Original Honor 1945

General Conference
2001 Edition

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