Download the requirements for the midnight sun honor by clicking on the download link above.
Midnight Sun
1. Describe the geographic areas where the midnight sun may be seen.
2. Describe why and at what time of the year the phenomenon may be seen.
3. Find a place where you can observe the sun at its lowest position during the night and do the following:
4. For what period of the year is the sun visible at both of the poles?
5. What is the “polar night”?
6. Read Genesis 1:31-2:3, Leviticus 23:32, Exodus 20:8-11 and Nehemiah 13:15-22 and discuss in a group or write a report with at least 500 words when the Sabbath starts according to the Bible and how this can be applied in areas that experience midnight sun and polar night?
7. Talk to at least five people that have lived or currently live in an area with midnight sun and ask them how the midnight sun and polar night affect their life.
Skill Level 1
New in 2014
General Conference
Institution of Origin: TED
2014 Update