
My Picture Book Award Requirements

My Picture Book Award Requirements



Download the requirements for the my picture book award by clicking on the download link above.

Level: Helping Hand (4th Grade)
Category: Arts and Crafts 
Section: My Family

My Picture Book

1. Make a picture book of at least six pages.
2. All pages must have some form of decoration.
3. Describe each picture in the book.
4. Memorize Joel 1:3 and discuss the meaning.
5. Share your picture book with others and explain why you picked these pictures. Did sharing your book help you understand Joel 1:3?

1. Create a family picture book or choose any subject, object, or theme as the basis for your book. Include photos, magazine pictures, and/or drawings.
2. Use a variety of materials to decorate the book, such as colored or printed paper, stickers, punch-outs, decorative scissors, buttons, foam cut-outs, embellishments, beads, etc.
3. A short description of the picture.
4. May choose different Bible versions, such as, KJV, NKJV, Clear Word, etc.
5. Share your book with family, club, school, or friends.

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