Download the requirements for the shells honor by clicking on the download link above.
1. What is the meaning of the term “mollusk”?
2. Identify from shells or drawings the following:
3. Are all shells found on beaches? Where else are they found? What areas of the world offer the largest variety of shells?
4. Describe the movement of shells from place to place.
5. How do shell animals protect themselves?
6. How are shells made and from what materials are they made?
7. List and explain five uses made of shells by man.
8. Explain the terms “univalve” and “bivalve” as applied to shells.
9. Name, in common terms, five different classes of shells and as possible, name in your collection a shell for each class.
10. Make a collection of 20 different shells, classify them, and tell where each is found and when it came into your possession.
11. What is the source of pearls? What spiritual lessons does the pearl teach us? Read and discuss Christ’s Object Lessons by Ellen G. White, pages 115 to 118.
12. Match the Bible texts that best answers A-J:
Skill Level 2
Original Honor 1938
Shells, Advanced
1. Have the Shell Honor.
2. Define the term “mollusca” or “mollusk.”
3. Learn the classification terms of mollusks, know the distinguishing characteristics of each, and become acquainted with several species under each class.
4. Distinguish between univalve and bivalve mollusks from the following considerations:
5. Identify from shells or drawings and know the meaning of the following conchological terms:
6. Explain the development of a shell. How long do mollusks live?
7. Give some facts about the life of a strombus pugilis (fighting conch) and explain why this shell is so named.
8. Explain the activities of the shipworm.
9. What accounts for the distribution of mollusks.
10. Name two mollusks that have no shells.
11. Find answers for the following interesting questions:
11. Name six commercial uses for shells.
12. Do one of the following:
Skill Level 3
Original Honor 1949
General Conference
2001 Edition