Download the requirements for the silk screen printing honor by clicking on the download link above.
Silk Screen Printing
1. List the tools and equipment necessary for silk screen printing.
2. Name three kinds of inks suitable for silk screen printing.
3. List at least three industrial uses of the silk screen process.
4. Tell how bottles and round surfaces are printed.
5. Make a design, transfer the design to a screen, and screen print one of the following projects:
Skill Level 2
Original Honor 1974
Silk Screen Printing, Advanced
1. Have the Silk Screen Printing Honor.
2. Properly stretch and secure silk screen fabric to a frame.
3. Know what fabrics can be used in silk screening and the advantages of each. What factors influence the choice of mesh count for the screen?
4. Understand and use each of the following silk screen printing techniques:
5. Use two of the following techniques in meeting requirement 4:
6. Print on a material other than paper or fabric, such as glass, metal, or leather.
Skill Level 3
Original Honor 1974
Arts, Crafts & Hobbies
General Conference
2001 Edition