
Trees Honor Requirements

Trees Honor Requirements



Download the requirements for the trees honor by clicking on the download link above.


1. Describe the ways in which trees and shrubs differ.
2. Collect and identify typical leaves from 15 different species of trees. Spread neatly, press dry, mount, and label in a suitable notebook or on uniform-size sheets of paper.
3. Name two examples each of trees that have been named for:

  1. What they are used for
  2. The surroundings or environment in which they grow
  3. Some distinctive feature
  4. The geographic region in which they live
  5. Persons who first found and described them

4. Give the common name and tell the difference between the two great classes of trees.
5. Describe the importance of forest conservation in your area.
6. Name several examples of the kinds of wood used in each of the following:

  1. Flooring for houses
  2. Common plywood
  3. Furniture
  4. Ax handles
  5. Fence posts
  6. Railroad ties
  7. Support beams for construction work
  8. Bows and arrows
  9. Ideal for use as kindling
  10. Burns slowly and leaves a bed of hot coals

7. Name two examples each of trees which:

  1. Grow best in wet lands
  2. Grow best at high levels in mountains

Skill Level 1
Original Honor 1928

Trees, Advanced

1. Have the Trees Honor.
2. Collect, identify, press, and mount leaves of 35 different species of trees.
3. Separately collect, press, mount, and label specimens that demonstrate the following terms:

  1. Serrate
  2. Doubly serrate
  3. Entire
  4. Crenate
  5. Dentate
  6. Lobe
  7. Incise
  8. Whorled
  9. Opposite
  10. Alternate
  11. Pinnately compound
  12. Triple compound (if possible)


  1. Describe the advantages in using the Latin or scientific names.
  2. Of what use are the two parts of a scientific name?

5. Name six families of trees in the angiosperm class and three families in the gymnosperm class.
6. Know and describe the function of leaves in the life of a tree.
7. Name the families of trees in your area which have opposite leaves.
8. Define the following terms:

  1. Stipule
  2. Petiole
  3. Blade
  4. Pitch
  5. Heartwood
  6. Sapwood
  7. Springwood
  8. Summerwood
  9. Annual ring
  10. Cambium
  11. Xylem
  12. Phloem

9. What families of trees have:

  1. Thorns
  2. Catkins
  3. Winged seeds
  4. Acorns
  5. Pods
  6. Capsules
  7. Nuts
  8. Berries

10. Identify ten deciduous trees by their ìwinterî characteristics, (features other than leaves) such as twig and bud, characteristic form, and growth habits.

Skill Level 3
Original Honor 1949

General Conference
2001 Edition

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