
Valuegenesis Newsletter

Valuegenesis Newsletter



Valuegenesis Newsletters – nine volumes of the Update newsletters contained as pdf files on Volume 2 and two volumes are on Volume 4. In Valuegenesis2 we conducted a population sample of almost 25,000 students in Seventh-day Adventist schools. This is almost twice the number of respondents that was achieved in the original Valuegenesis project of 1989. Valuegenesis2 involves in-depth observations of highly effective congregations and schools. The project aims at making a positive difference in the lives of youth in the family, church, and school. It will do this by identifying those things one can do to develop and maintain effective ministry and nurture in these venues. This, in turn, will strengthen the faith of our children, teenagers, and adults.

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States