Download the requirements for the wind surfing honor by clicking on the download link above.
1. Have the Intermediate Swimming Honor.
2. Learn the meaning of the following terms:
3. Know the names of the board parts and demonstrate how to rig your own sail.
4. Explain the basics of sailing theory.
5. Define and demonstrate the basic starting position.
6. Define and demonstrate the four steps to tacking.
7. Define and demonstrate the four steps to jibing.
8. List the seven starting sequence steps used to start a sailboard moving through the water.
9. Answer the following questions about safety:
10. How should the sail and sailboard be cared for to keep them in good working order?
11. Successfully sail a sailboard to a visual point of reference and return to the startingposition.
Skill Level 2
Original Honor 1986
General Conference
2001 Edition