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Campfire Stories of SDA Pioneers

Campfire Stories of SDA Pioneers

Gather your Pathfinders around the campfire for entertaining and inspiring stories about their Seventh-day Adventist heritage. Campfire Stories is perfect for reading to your Pathfinders while camping or just having a regular club meeting. This collection includes the... [Show more]

  • Precio:$4.95
Adventist Notecards Package of 25

Adventist Notecards Package of 25

These attractive notecards feature the Seventh-day Adventist Church logo on the cover. The inside is blank for your message. Perfect for thank-you's, invitations, and other professional church-related uses. Envelopes included. Sold in packages of 25.

  • Precio:$5.95
10 Maneras de envolver a los niños en el ministerio de la Iglesia

10 Maneras de envolver a los niños en el ministerio de la Iglesia

Los niños irradian energía y entusiasmo cuando hacen algo fascinante para Jesús. Este panfleto presenta diez maneras en que ellos pueden participar activamente en el ministerio de la iglesia en su temprana edad. Se vende en paquetes de 100 unidades.

  • Precio:$14.95
Friend2Friend: Participant's Guide

Friend2Friend: Participant's Guide

"77% of local church leaders say friendship/lifestyle evangelism is the very best way to share Christ and bring work colleagues, family members and friends int the Adventist church." Once trust is established, the natural progression of friendship conversation often turns to faith. How does this... [Show more]

  • Precio:$9.95
Encounter 3-Christ Our Redemption

Encounter 3-Christ Our Redemption

A year-long Bible reading plan for the first half of the Old Testament and Patriarchs and Prophets. Outlines the story of redemption from its inception. Required for the Pathfinder Instructor's Award.

  • Precio:$0.50
Encounter 4-Christ Our Hope

Encounter 4-Christ Our Hope

The hope of the world lives again in your heart as prophets and kings act in the drama of Christ's coming through the last half of the Old Testament and Prophets and Kings.

  • Precio:$0.50
Pathfinder Leadership Award Teachers Resource Manual

Pathfinder Leadership Award Teachers Resource Manual

The complete teacher’s guide for the Pathfinder Leadership Award is designed for leaders that want to continue to develop their skills. The curriculum includes helps for teaching sections on administration, camp planning & programming, Pathfinder & community ministry, resource... [Show more]

Folleto Celebrando Temperamentos (Sólo en inglés)

Folleto Celebrando Temperamentos (Sólo en inglés)

¡Las fortalezas y debilidades de la personalidad pueden hacer que la vida de la iglesia sea interesante o irritante! Este folleto descriptivo sobre los cuatro temperamentos es una herramienta útil para cualquier persona involucrada en el liderazgo de la iglesia local. Conocer los temperamentos puede... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.95
The Sounds of Grace in Our Churches

The Sounds of Grace in Our Churches

If there is one thing all believers need to share, it's a sense of God's presence during worship. Practice more than 100 ideas to enrich worship in your congregation. An original, significant contribution to the field of faith development!

  • Precio:$2.00
Adventurer Club Membership Card Sheet of 10

Adventurer Club Membership Card Sheet of 10

Give your Adventurers this official 2 1/4" x 3 1/4" card, which comes complete with the Adventurer Pledge and Law. 10 cards per sheet.

  • Precio:$1.49
Come Alive with Jesus

Come Alive with Jesus

Seven encouraging Bible lessons for dynamic Christian living. Topics include: A New Birth The Realities of Your New Life in Christ The Importance of Bible Reading & Study Learning About Prayer The Fruits of the Spirit Natural Witnessing Joys of Christian Fellowship These introductory studies... [Show more]

  • Precio:$3.95
Master Guide Record Card

Master Guide Record Card

All the requirements to become a Master Guide. You can use it to plot your progress and date of completion.

  • Precio:$0.50
Encounter 1-Christ the Way

Encounter 1-Christ the Way

This year-long Bible reading plan effectively blends the four gospels with excerpts from the Desire of Ages. This series promises to guide you through 365 days with Jesus! Required for the Master Guide training program.

  • Precio:$0.50
Encounter 2-Christ the Church

Encounter 2-Christ the Church

This year-long Bible reading plan effectively blends the New Testament with excerpts from Acts of the Apostles and the Great Controversy. This series promises to guide you through 365 days of power that comes as a result of discovering our Christian heritage! Required for the Pathfinder Leadership... [Show more]

  • Precio:$0.50
Historia Resumida de los Adventistas

Historia Resumida de los Adventistas

This is the compelling story of how a small group that believed in the imminent return of Christ came to view themselves as prophetic people with a responsibility to take their unique message to all the world. By George R. Knight. (Review & Herald). 160 pages. Copyright 204. Paperback.

  • Precio:$16.95
How to Help Your Child Love Jesus

How to Help Your Child Love Jesus

Practical Ideas on How to Help Your Child Grows Spiritually. Based on her insights from the field of child development and religious education, Dr. Habenicht explains how children develop spiritually and offers practical suggestions on how you can help your child establish a lasting friendship with... [Show more]

  • Precio:$12.95

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